It's highly unlikely that Miss Trust Fund Brat was even remotely interested in what the President had to say about his budget plan in relation to the obscenity Paul Ryan's trying to hawk, or the state of the declining middle class She obviously isn't thinking of the masses of unemployed or underemployed, of people who've flattened their 401K's simply to get by
The media is failing Americans again by buying into the narrative that there is a real debate if using torture actually helped or did not help track down Osama Bin Laden.  It is simply logically invalid to let the...
There is such a sad feeling in this country now that our government seems to have completely failed us. The Occupy Movement is the 99 Percenters Response to that failure.
Watch live and join the live commenting on The Health Care Summit:
Please join us here tonight for live blogging during President Obama's State of the Union address. Until then, please feel free to have an open discussion on Pres. Obama, the upcoming speech and what you think will happen in the...
kesmarn : Good day to everyone! Sorry I faded out there. Phone call. But what a wonderful event. See you all later. AdLib : Thanks to everyone who joined us for President Obama's inauguration and our live chat today! Hope...
We have to reject the unjustified use of fear and imaginary threats to the American public as acceptable reasons to bomb other nations. Facts, reason and principle should be the only tools to win over the public on an argument for war.
It appears that Pres. Obama may once again have arrived at a desired outcome of a dangerous and complicated crisis...and once again, will be given no credit for it by the tyrant-lovers on the Right.
Republicans have every right to claim that the election was a statement of support for them and a rejection of Obama...the Supreme Court has already ruled that lying is protected under the 1st Amendment and all that Republicans are trying to do is strengthen the 1st Amendment.
Has this ever worked? Have Democrats ever succeeded as a party by agreeing with Republicans, "I suppose you're right, The President from our party IS a dick!"? If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, the Democratic Party may need to hold its next convention in Arkham Asylum.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."