"I think he did himself a lot of good last night when he was sleeping, no gaffes, projecting an image of being relaxed and peaceful, we'll see a turn around in the polls if he keeps sleeping like this," boasted New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie.
The halo effect. Tip O'Neill said that all politics are local. Not last night. All politics were national. 6 years of negativity about the President paid off. Every election was a test of Obama's popularity.
Now, when Trump has pretty much assured his loss in November, Republicans exhibit their self-flattering dishonesty, beating their chests and fanning their brows, claiming that because Trump is a near-certain loser...er...says offensive things about women, they can't support him.
To celebrate this festive holiday of people trying to scare others into giving them something sweet that they have, we can't help but dedicate this holiday to our favorite blood suckers and zombies, the GOP.
"Global Warming," as a legislative human rights issue, is about owning the sources of the energy we use. Global warming, as an environmental issue, is largely incomprehensible and made overwhelmingly so by the professional disinformers.
Romney's new campaign of "Going after Obama's biography" is code that's not that hard to break. Let's see...he's not American, he lived in Indonesia, his Father was Kenyan and Muslim, Reverend Wright led his church, he smoked pot as a teen and had an afro...where exactly is all of this leading? It's so bewildering!
Considering the Tea Party's candidates and leader's (deliberate?) misconceptions about our founding fathers and what they truly believed, I am writing this in the hopes that some of them may read this. Today, we are presented such distortions about everything...
There is one person who could gum up the works of Trump's dictatorship-in-process. And he's not even in elected office. Yet. Joe Biden has said that this election is a battle for the very soul of America. So right now would be a good time for Biden to really flex on this, step up and fire a loud warning shot across the bow of Trump's henchmen. The Rule of Law is coming back in 2021...and it could be coming for them.
There's no reasoning with a sociopath. They are devoid of the ability to empathize or reason. They are purely focused on self-satisfaction and the sad thing about Tea Partiers is that their satisfaction comes from the acting out the pain and fear they carry inside against those they have deemed as deserving targets. Or more accurately, deserving victims.
One of our Special Ops members secured this secret GOP document that describes their plans for dealing with women if they win control of the White House and Congress this November.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."