It is hard to imagine these Trump junkies going cold turkey after the GOP primary and instead getting a rush from scoring some "low energy" Jeb!.
"David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, wish I could do that! 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?' That giant metal immigrant, you know she's from France, needs to be deported along with 11 million Mexicans!"
Bush defended his use of the n-word by saying, "Here’s the deal, what I said was, they're commonly referred to that, that’s what I said, I didn’t use it as my own language."
One might suggest that this crop of Republican candidates for President are boldly going where no candidates have gone before. They believe that the wealthy should live long and prosper and when it comes to emulating the offensive and...
"I believe in the sanctity of life and in order to protect it, I think we need to be willing to require the deaths of anyone, especially women, who threaten it," Rubio stated.
Right this way ladies and gentlemen, join us tonight for a live chat during the first GOP debate of the 2016 race! It's guaranteed to be a debate between children of all ages and there's no better place to discuss this three ring circus as it's happening than right here at PlanetPOV!
The GOP's vague alternatives to the Iran deal are dishonest and impossible but of course, they don't care. Like the nihilists they are, all they really care about is defeating every effort of their true enemy, Obama and Democrats. Not preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons.
MSTRUMP will begin their programming by repeating their interview with Trump every other hour. In between, hosts will show clips of the interview and along with guest pundits, will make funny faces, shake their heads and look right into the camera to ask viewers, "Can you believe this?"
When Donald Trump took the escalator down to announce his candidacy for the Republican Presidential Primaries earlier this week, the GOP took the escalator down from being a serious political party.
If 6 million Americans are thrown off of health insurance and the ACA is crippled, the ripple effect will come crashing down on everyone who has health insurance. And the hand that will be holding the lit match while our health insurance system goes up in flames...will be the Republican Party.