As the cliche goes, the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. It's also been the practice of Democratic Party establishment, on and off for many years.
The Make America Great or the Nightmare Trump? Who Won?
Captain Trump explained, "Yes, we hit an iceberg that had illegally immigrated into this part of the ocean to endanger our lives but because a ship captained by Trump is so powerful, it's the iceberg that's now sinking, not us."
PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat during tonight's debate that 9 out of 10 mental health experts recommend (as opposed to watching the debate alone and throwing a remote through your tv screen).
The 1st Presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump starts tonight at 6:00pm PDT and our live chat right here starts at 5:30pm...
Today, a citizen concerned about an issue can't get a word in sideways because "Citizens United" made it legal for those with great wealth and corporations to literally buy a politician.
Today the DNC convention begins and from the advance word, we're in store for less schizophrenia and more rational speeches about reality (one of the top banned substances at the RNC).
"I find it redundant and repetitive that Republicans will once again have to do what they've done before, again and again, over and over, in investigating investigations of investigations," repeated Ryan.
"It sure beats having Hillary as President," said Senator Jeff Sessions while wading knee deep through the bloody carnage of tens of thousands of dismembered Alabama citizens. "Can you imagine what her liberal policies would do to the people of this country?!"
Today may be the day when Donald Drumpf (his actual family name) virtually locks up the GOP nom and simultaneously assures the collapse of the GOP and a Dem sweep in November.