I spend a lot of time at whack-a-troll at but one does get a little weary of all the Barack Obama naysayers..so every now and then I like to remind myself (and others) of why I continue to support him.
Every single Republican Senator voted to allow billionaires to continue buying their votes!
"Koch Brothers Win Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a constitutional amendment that would...
Sarah Palin Launches Subscription-Based Online Video Channel. With expenses outstripping fundraising the newest venture continues her crusade to live well off of the anger and anxiety of others.
From the moment he took his seat, Cruz became the bane of the committee, the brat who acted out because he wasn’t dictator-in-chief. Cruz does not play well with others and wants his own way in everything.
Chris McDaniel’s campaign manager and Mississippi state Senator, Melanie Sojourner, took to Facebook on Independence Day – not to express her patriotism but to swear she will never ever endorse Thad Cochran.
We are “responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society.” (Patrick Henry) But as polling demonstrates the American Public has shirked its responsibility in failing to be the informed electorate that John Adams believed was the foundation of any democracy.
If you want to correct the error Matthews and so many other people have been making for years now, you will have to stop talking policy and start explaining strategy and the way our democracy functions.
Since it is Republican policy to do nothing for America and since Obama is doing something for America...which contradicts their policy, they are seeking to sue him. I believe the charge is "Driving Policy While Democrat...and Black".
Unfortunately, Republicans often ONLY focus on what's happening at their own breakfast table, and seem to be incapable to concentrate on any kind of injustice, as soon as it's their NEIGHBOR, rather than a family member, who's suffering from it.
Why isn't the Media all over the the New York Magazine Story of Lindsey Graham PLANTING the game changing 60 Minutes Story? If they don't, then we must.