And while the Republicans keep playing in "Tea Party Fantasyland", a record 46.2 million Americans were hit by poverty last year. If there is ever a time to shift into overdrive to focus on job creation and put money in people's pockets again, it's now.
The Right Wing were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Orwell plots danced in their heads. And Romney in his flip-flops, and Newt in his spite, had just settled in for a long winter’s fight.
So Mitt has chosen to play his cards very close to the vest. Secrecy is one watchword. Another is that he does not admit error. And the third is that he will reconstruct any value, any position, if it gets him closer to his goal.
Welcome to this ongoing thread for discussing the slow motion kamikaze nose dive into the GOP known as the Mitt Romney Presidential campaign.
I know some people were wondering what the DOJ and others were doing about voter suppression so I went out and googled it.  Here are the results. DOJ to look into Racist Texas Voter Suppression Scheme FAIR Elections Network DOJ says "hold...
This is it, the third and final debate between President Obama and Governor Romney takes place tonight at 6:00 pm PST. Once again, we are pleased to host a live chat for tonight's debate and invite all of our members to join us for an insightful and entertaining way to experience the debate.
The Main Stream Media needs a tight race for the presidency to drive its reader and viewership. So coverage of the President's tax return has been muted because the President puts his money where his mouth is.
Referencing the suffrage movement in the 1920's and civil rights supporters in the 1960's, top Republican leaders are nearing a vote in the House of Representatives to pass a law that would give corporations the right of other citizens, to vote in elections.
After exhibiting signs of a psychiatric disorder, the Mainstream Media (MSM) has been clinically diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder which is SAD. The most difficult thing about this situation now is figuring out which mouth to put the Prozac into.
It doesn't matter whether Bin Laden is killed, the economy is recovering or diet donuts have been invented that reduce your cholesterol and make you lose weight, the GOP is bent (in many ways) on spinning every bit of good news into something terrible.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.