Impeachment is a necessary tool to prevent a corrupt autocrat who wields power over the country, from taking even worse actions in the future, whether it's Trump or a future president. If there are no boundaries now, there may not be any left in the future when they're even more desperately needed.
A STUDY IN CONTRASTS President T.T. Trump (Twitter Teleprompter Trump) visited El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, today but apparently could not make a big speech in an open venue for fear of being booed. In Dayton, his staff made him...
I took formal civics instruction in 7th Grade and as a Junior in High School in preparation for a graduation requirement: the Citizens' Civic Exam. Nearly everyone in the country did in the early 60's. These tests became common...
What you see in these RW Republican politicians on most issues is pretty consistent support for allowing the deaths of others to poverty, guns, wars, old age, etc.. Their "pro-life" position on abortion is an anomaly...and that's because to them, this issue isn't really about religious beliefs or compassion, It's about something else far more crass and cynical. It's about power.
When did the American people decide to stop thinking and become willing participants in the destruction of the Republic and supporters of a wannabe dictator?
Democrats need to stop running against Trump, and instead run against Trump AND the Republican Party as well as Republican voters. That will sound harsh to most Democrats, but Trump is not the problem, merely a symptom of the problem.
Despite All His Troubles Trump is Still Likely to Win Reelection….here’s an example of a case that is being made……. Whats at the Heart of the Trump/GOP Re-Election Script Ignorance (the voters overall just don’t know very much about almost everything that...
Are the Moderate Democrats unaware that by being focused on praising and pandering to the "white working class"/"good people on both sides" crowd, they are insulting, taking for granted and alienating the very Democratic voters who are younger and African American that they need to actually win?
This looks more like the last stage of a coup. Consolidating power in himself by stacking the courts as his puppets, discrediting belief in the truth by attacking the press as fake and rigging elections with voter suppression. Spreading propaganda and lies while facilitating Russian-aided disinformation on social media. Trying to shut down the postal service which means shutting down voting by mail. Lastly, raising a fascist, well armed militia to stand against his political enemies. The threat to our democracy couldn't be more urgent.
Consider Trump's campaign of terror on immigrants and people of color, from the Muslim Ban to Trump's demagoguing of Latinos as dangerous threats to white Americans to tearing babies away from their parents and locking them in torturous conditions. Isn't he trying to illegally terrorize people in pursuit of political aims? That is the exact definition of terrorism.


Watch and Chat Live: The Presidential Debate – Harris V. Trump 6:00 pm PDT/9:00...

Tonight is the first (and only?) debate between Kamala Harris and an orange stain on this country's history. It begins at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and we are hosting a live chat via our Vox Populi app starting then as well as streaming the live video of the debate below so you can watch and live chat on the same screen. Ain't modern technology wonderful?