The current LIBOR interest rate scandal, involving hundreds of trillions in international derivatives trade, shows how the really big boys play. These modern international bankers are in a class of thieves unlike even the best that came before them. The scandal over LIBOR which is short for London Interbank Offered Rate has resulted in a huge fine for Barclays but it also threatens to ensnare some of the world’s top financiers, including banks in our country.
I was not old enough to watch, much less understand the impact of the McCarthy hearings in the 50’s but I know to this day something was seriously wrong with the man and with his colleagues who sat by...
In what can only be described as a surprising outcome, Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal Supreme Court judges to uphold the Affordable Care Act and its key provision of the individual mandate.
All you really want is a home you can live in comfortably, have the family over, let the grandkids run through...well there are people out there who don't want you to have it.
Each weekday, MSNBC creates 5 original hours of Conservative-hosted shows and 7 original hours of Progressive-hosted shows so of its hours of partisan programming, 42% are Conservative and only 58% are Progressive.
In politics, the media or business, an unspoken rule seems to be that accomplishing one's proprietary goals necessarily means discarding the quaint notion of being influenced by one's own conscience.
Bill Clinton has repeatedly put self-gratification above the best interest of the people and that is reflected even today in his throwing Obama under the train to protect those who are driven in limos.
GOP PACs are preparing to spend more than $1 Billion to win control of the White House, the Senate, more state legislatures and governor’s mansions, and to hold the House of Representatives and the state governments they already control.
One thing that America greatly values is its free press...which is why its been locked up in a safe that's hidden miles below the Earth's surface. Filling in for it, we have a corporatized Mainstream Media which looks just like the real thing only less filling.
Romney's ideal America is one where the wealthy buy their own White House and Congress, tax revenues are rerouted from the poor, elderly and majority into the pockets of the wealthy and all regulations that prevent the wealthy from harming the public are removed.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.