Relying on tv for his decision-making on personnel has gone so well, Trump will now use it to select military leaders. Trump stated, "I need a new general and I've watched this Gomer Pyle guy all of my life, I like the cut of his jib!"
There is one single most important moment in the life of an epidemic, it is when virality is achieved. They should have known that they only had a few months to prepare.
Donald Trump is not an idiot, he's not campaigning in as improvised a way as it may seem, he has a very focused strategy but its very nature is already undermining itself. What may be misleading many to think he...
"You have to know all the right words to get around telling them what they're trying to get you to admit so for those, I color the truth," Trump stated.
Racism blinds those who practice it. Republicans continue to chase after it with a mindless enthusiasm, not recognizing that it is actually a lemming leading them right off the edge of a political cliff.
The most horrible thing about Trump being part of our lives is what he's doing to the children, my children. He's changing them.
In a year, approximately 4.5 trillion dollars of goods is imported (legally), and a tithe of that is close to a half-trillion. This has been going on for two-and-a-quarter centuries
When things started to fall apart for McConnell, it didn’t take long for him to have his version of Hrothgar’s “dreadful demon that ruled unrighteous and raged against all.” For Hrothgar, his dreadful was Grendel. For Mitch, his dreadful demon is named Donald J. Trump.
We deserve better than so much sorrow. We deserve better than to have a President who cannot conceive of morality or professional ethics. We deserve better than to go hungry, to be unable to pay our rent, to even contemplate being at the mercy of our "Dear Landlord."
In the nation's capitol, one thing is guaranteed while Donald Trump is Resident of the United States: whatever can go wrong, will.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."