Did Moscow Mitch Give Away The Play? Who can kill investigations or oversight, quite literally with a wave of his hand? Even when the investigation, or investigations, looks at his own possible criminal malfeasance and abuse of power? Moscow Mitch.
Trump’s fragile, largely delusional, emotional stability and ego-driven grandiosity, criminality and vindictiveness could well go full-tilt ballistic should the label “Trump the Usurper” begin to stick.
The most horrible thing about Trump being part of our lives is what he's doing to the children, my children. He's changing them.
Those little boxes we are forced into at birth and those informative years of our lives are about moulding a functioning person. All those labels in those early years are not of your own choosing but of those older wiser and the architects of our foundations.
If Congress can't and doesn't, impeach Trump now then how logical or reasonable is it to think that a lesser court can try and punish him? And when is that likely to happen?
For the past two years, we have witnessed Donald J.Trump behaving in a manner Hamilton described as the perverted ambition of others. Many openly wonder how he was elected with his utter disregard for the Constitution and why those who condemned him are now rabid supporters. Then it came to me. Trump is the Chimera we have created.
Jeffrey Epstein had a little black book filled with the names and personal phone numbers of some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people, from Bill Clinton and Donald Trump to actors, actresses, scientists and business tycoons.
If we invoke the 25th. Amendment, Mike Pence instantly becomes President. If someone employs the more Shakespearean solution - same result. With Trump, it all came down to "competence." He had none. But, Mike Pence does. He is a thousand times more dangerous than Trump. He wants a one-party theocracy.
If we can't believe that the judiciary is honest, then how can we be expected to believe in anything? How can even the best efforts of police men and women be effective? Where is the deterrent factor?
Trump speaks to, and uses for his own purposes, the darkness that can overtake us when we are confronted with the stress and fears of rapid change. One manifestation of that darkness is racism.