One might say that we don't care about the criminal aspects of Trump's behavior, as long as he does his job,. But when we need Trump to be our President, and to be there for us, he isn't.
When we set up shop on the rocky, thunderous eastern shore of an unknown continent, we started with almost nothing. But we had used the dreary days of the passage to begin our Constitution. Little did we know, it was our most valuable possession.

“Human Scum”

Trump called a group (anyone who disagrees with his immoral, anti-Democratic policies and actions) "human scum." That's the sort of inflammatory rhetoric that gets people killed.
If Rudy Giuliani's criminal associates, and troops enlisted from the ranks of Russian and Ukrainian cyber-terrorists, were conspiring to fix the U.S. Presidential Election long before the 2016 election itself, then Giuliani has known all this time.
The Republican Party has been hollowed out like a Jack O'Lantern and the leering face carved into it is that of Donald J. Trump. They see themselves as above-the-law. Just a rogue political private security force under the rule of their Great Leader, serving only him and no longer the rule of law, their oath of office or the people they represent.
harsh penalties still exist in the first states to legalize! Washington State and Colorado, and all the 11 "legal" states have a mish-mash of confusing and conflicting laws, federal and state, that cause tremendous suffering.
The most serious abuses of power that the "Founders and Framers" could imagine were to receive a title (which always had a monetary and political value), or for there to be even a hint that money was exchanged for influence.
It's not even about, "winning," with Trump and his followers now; it's about cheating and getting away with it.
Barr claims that because of an unreviewed internal department memo, no President can be prosecuted for any crime but fails to offer a suggestion about how to "interfere" with a pattern of criminality that embeds itself and cyclically worsens.
If the Justice Department and the F.B.I. escape their duty and allow the President to exist completely above the law, and with unlimited power, then they are no longer law enforcers; and since they act directly on the President's authority, they are reduced to a criminal syndicate.


I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.

People Are Stupid

“Democratic republics are more likely to perish through misuse of power than through lack of it.” — Tocqueville Democracy in America . It’s as if Tocqueville looked into the future.