What if there was one vote that could be held, one campaign that could be focused on to pass one law that if passed, could help with many of our most serious problems? There is...
Long before it was obvious that nations were dissolving under the power of corporate money, we dozed under the dream-myth of ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ that we learned as children and still then believed.
Yesterday's shooting at a school in Colorado and the daily shootings at the nation's schools, in our streets and in our homes should be instructing us and yet we continue to ignore the lesson.
"By mandating that all travelers fully expose themselves, we will be providing an atmosphere of humility and vulnerability that will naturally translate into a more civil and entertaining experience, especially for our management staff."
He was the greatest leader of my lifetime...
As a student at the University of Colorado in the 1970s, I was part of an effort...
Now that the main problems with the Obamacare website have been mitigated, the Republicans find themselves as mourners at a funeral where there is no body to bury.
Some might consider these folks "Subway Club Christians" since they apparently believe that if they get their conversions card stamped ten times, they get a free Resurrection.
There's an old saying in Hollywood, "There's no such thing as bad publicity". The National Security Administration (NSA) has been getting far more publicity than they ever could have imagined in their redacted dreams and now they are capitalizing on it.
We have to reject the unjustified use of fear and imaginary threats to the American public as acceptable reasons to bomb other nations. Facts, reason and principle should be the only tools to win over the public on an argument for war.
A stirring lineup of speakers and 100,000 Americans are currently at the National Mall celebrating and continuing the March On Washington that took place 50 years ago. Watch the live video feed here.