Anonymous staffers have leaked the blueprints of this plan, called "The Extremely Repealed Amazing Replacement for the Freedom-Crushing Obamacare that Everyone Hates".
A person I work with wears his libertarianism on his sleeve. He rails constantly at the workplace about liberals, hippies, taxes, Obama, etc. He has literally said in the workplace that Obama is evil. Well, about a year ago, he...
SCOTUS' Hobby Lobby decision hurt but there is a far more dangerous threat working its way through the courts that could kill most subsidies.
If you wish, sign the White House commitment to give Healthcare Reform a chance to pass with an up or down vote through budget reconciliation. Last Thursday's first-of-its-kind summit capped off a debate that has lasted nearly a year. Every...
From Think Progress: Matalin slurs health reform advocates as ‘health care jihadists.’ Yesterday on CNN, Republican strategist and CNN contributor Mary Matalin railed against Democrats for pushing forward with health reform efforts. “They’ve been on this jihad for 70 years, and...
Blogs don't make the evening news; angry mobs do. Is Krugman, like the WH, trying to motivate the "progressives" to take to the streets, and be SEEN as well as heard?
Most progressives and pro-choice Democrats properly hate the Stupak (D-MI) anti-choice amendment in the House healthcare bill because it legislates beyond the Hyde amendment which bans direct payments from government for abortions. If I was voting this weekend...
In the 2018 elections. Democrats should not shy away from strongly using the legitimate fear that Trump and Congressional Republicans are generating in most Americans, with their assaults on all Americans' ability to have affordable and meaningful health care.
MoveOn's Virtual March on Washington for health care reform and the Public Option is in full swing today, already over 811,000 people participating and climbing! If you're interested in adding your voice, here's a link: By adding your name, MoveOn...
Our congress has made known one path to a balanced budget and what they refer to as "prosperity" for the American people.  It is a path that is wrought with pain and sacrifice for the vast majority of Americans and extreme...