Congresswoman Louise Slaughter of New York's 28th congressional district wrote an op-ed for CNN on Wednesday that outlines why she feels it's time to kill the current health care reform bill. Representative Slaughter says it's time to start over. Slaughter...
I put together some charts/stats based on a table in the Washington Post. My charts and conclusions are based on all of the reps who received at least $1 million or more from the health care industry. I am...
Most of the contact information and links to petitions you will need to fight for real universal healthcare reform. Contact the White House and tell them the public option is essential. You can also call or write to the President: The White...
Romney's ideal America is one where the wealthy buy their own White House and Congress, tax revenues are rerouted from the poor, elderly and majority into the pockets of the wealthy and all regulations that prevent the wealthy from harming the public are removed.
Step right up! Try Republican Ryan's Remarkable Remedy! It's just the thing for what ails ya! One taste of this and whatever you were concerned about before will become the least of your worries!
Reading through the AP and Reuters wire articles last night and today it's clear that the corporate media wants the public option dead and buried. To use an analogy apropos from the season based on what the corporate...
The Democratic nominee for President in 2020 should consider a "New Frontier"-type campaign, not only because it is a proven path to success but because, as President Kennedy said about the fight for racial equality, "It is the right thing to do."
Seriously, I am having doubts that any of this has anything to do with resolving the nation’s health care issues. I see almost nothing that would substantively reduce the national cost of health care. I am becoming convinced that about a...
The Huckster essentially describes women as being cheap, greedy, weak-minded children who are easily manipulated into turning themselves into sex-crazed sleazes because they can now save around $50 a month on insurance-covered birth control. Or in other words, "I love you women!"
Anonymous staffers have leaked the blueprints of this plan, called "The Extremely Repealed Amazing Replacement for the Freedom-Crushing Obamacare that Everyone Hates".


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."