While Trump may personally fawn over those who have managed to achieve wealth and celebrity, whether in sports, showbiz, business or tech, the low-wage members of those same minorities are seen as little more than indentured servants considered disposable to society, particularly when the denial of financial support from the government forces them back into high-risk service jobs too soon to be safe.
This looks more like the last stage of a coup. Consolidating power in himself by stacking the courts as his puppets, discrediting belief in the truth by attacking the press as fake and rigging elections with voter suppression. Spreading propaganda and lies while facilitating Russian-aided disinformation on social media. Trying to shut down the postal service which means shutting down voting by mail. Lastly, raising a fascist, well armed militia to stand against his political enemies. The threat to our democracy couldn't be more urgent.
The evil, soulless wight in the White House has made The People his enemy. He called this fight because he hates all humanity; and in the end, all humanity will hate him.
Trump began slashing public health funding in 2018, diverting millions of dollars from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cut over $1 billion from the Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF), and the cuts have been deeper with each budget since.
The requirement of proof of vaccination to be in a public place, a fair and reasonable threshold to protect the majority of people and our economy and society, is very reasonable. And it is a very easy threshold for the unvaccinated to "cure" at no cost. It also allows them to refuse to be vaccinated without endangering those who are vaccinated.
Trump sees the protection of Americans from a pandemic as "a worse choice" than having a weakened economy that denies him re-election. So he is bravely winding up for a pitch to demand that "nature be allowed to run its course" in the killing of 11 million Americans by COVIC-19.
The contestants will be randomly selected from communities all around the United States. They will be informed that they may likely be chosen to die for the good of the economy and encouraged to give their best performance to convince the panel why they are more valuable to society than they are a burden.
Top experts say that we just don't know enough yet; but we are very likely to be ordered to, "open up," and take on the problem: "one day at a time." Shouldn't that be: "one death at a time."?
Aspirational thinking is dangerous, even deadly. Magical thinking is murder. And waffling and wavering back and forth about fundamental issues is to start a mile race, three-quarters of a mile behind.
"Have you seen what the Antifa radicals have been doing to these helpless symbols of white supremacy? I mean, 'our heritage'? It's disgusting. They've thrown paint on them, pulled them down, even moved one into the corner of my office," Trump complained until being told he was pointing at Mike Pence.


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In Trump Land, 2+2 = 5

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Vox Populi – 03-07-2025

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