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Trump stated, "Tomorrow I will sign an Executive Order that will put an end to crimes against women. My Executive Order will officially and legally, re-classify women as recreational equipment."
Trump never exhibited any of the basic skills of a skilled negotiator, it's only been about using the lowest, crudest and most unprincipled tactic that criminal types have in their arsenal...extortion.
In the pursuit of an antidote and counter-programming to the daily ugliness from Trump, we introduce The Anti-Trump Film Festival, presenting clips from a variety of films that confront the Trumpesque themes of racism, oppression, corruption, etc. and affirm the traits that are best in human beings.
It is hard to decide what is more horrible, that a major news network would rally for a mass shooting of law enforcement officers and citizens or that Right Wingers were literally giddy at the opportunity to "begin the revolution" by wanting to kill police in order to steal land and violate laws.
Out of the total of 36% of eligible voters who voted in this year's election, even if Republicans averaged a 10% margin of victory over Dems overall (55% to 45%), that means only 19% of American voters voted for Republicans. So Democrats should be running scared because 81% of U.S. voters didn't vote for Republicans?
The marriage of the white power structure in the South with greed-obsessed businesspeople has borne such "children". In both cases, there is the mentality of the elitist, those who believe not only that they are superior because they are white and male but that this also entitles them to all that they want for themselves, especially when it comes to money and power.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.