We have launched a petition at the White House site, it asks President Obama to press the Department of Justice to aggressively investigate and fight voter laws that suppress the Constitutional right of Americans to vote.
We’ve seen a coordinated effort by Republican legislators and governors in a number of states, in concert with The American Legislative Council (ALEC), a corporate entity that conceives of and writes laws for the GOP to pass that benefit corporate wealth and power.
Here is the text of the Petition:
We petition the Obama Administration to press the Department of Justice to aggressively investigate and fight state laws that restrict voting rights.
A number of states have recently passed laws under the guise of preventing voter fraud which actually restrict the Constitutional right of Americans to vote.
There are no studies showing voter fraud to be a meaningful issue yet Republican legislatures and Republican Governors in many states have been frantically passing such laws before the 2012 Presidential elections.
These laws restrict voting rights for people in a number of groups most likely to vote Democratic including students, minorities and the poor. This is partisan politics at its worst.
We ask President Obama to press Attorney General Eric Holder and the Dept. of Justice to aggressively fight these anti-democratic laws and in doing so, protect our democracy and the Constitutional rights of millions of Americans to vote.
We invite our members and readers to sign the petition and help us qualify it for official consideration by The White House. A petition requires 5,000 signatures to be officially considered so we ask for your help in circulating it around Twitter, Facebook and through emails until we reach that threshold.
Here are links to the petition, you can read it in full, sign it and Tweet and Facebook it all on the same page:
Short link: http://wh.gov/4gY
Thank you so much for your help and support on this!

“White House grapples with a flood of online petitions”
Oh the good old days of voting!
Rep. Steve King Daydreams About The Good Ol’ Days When Only Property Owners Voted
As a courtesy to a twitter follower of PPOV here is a petition for you to review.
Enforce all Labor Laws & Protect All Whistleblowers in Government & all other US Workplaces from Unlawful Retaliation!
To everyone that has signed our petition, Thank You, and to anyone that hasn’t, PLEASE DO!
We need to spread the word on our petition so if you can, Tweet it, post it on FaceBook and any other sites you can.
Maine Elections Chief Uses GOP List To Intimidate Student Voters And Encourage Them To Re-Register In Another State
Adlib, we’ve got a little problem…only 49 signatures in 3 days. Either something is wrong with the WH site, or we need to get going and spread the word. We also need to make sure the link to the site is available in the Twitter feed.
Perhaps we can ask Bito to fix it??
The short link never loaded for me. I had to re-enter the site to vote after creating a password–but that was on an ipad. Glad to vote
The short link(s) works for me and I have tweeted the petition probably close to 100+ times and others have retweeted it and signed.
Once again, you’ve done a wonderful job with spreading the word on Twitter!
We’ll need to keep it up to get some momentum…just like the Wall Street Protesters!
Some people have reported difficulty in both signing in and signing. I didn’t know anyone was having trouble with the links. Just to be safe, using the short link you provided may be a better way to go.
BTW, one way to help promote the petition would be to post it on other progressive blogs like HP and DK. I do have issues with both sites but there are many good Progressives there and elsewhere.
Thanks to all for helping to promote it, let’s keep it up and try to get it a bit viral if possible.
Diebold voting machines hacked with $10 in parts
Another reason to sign the petition!
Thanks, Adlib, for bringing this to my attention. I’ve signed the petition and I hope the WH and DOJ do aggressively fight voter suppression. They will need to in the coming election. The GOP gets more crooked every year and the 2012 election promises to be a truly nasty one. I’d like them to go one step further: get the media involved! When perpetrators of voter suppression are discovered, the names and faces of those involved should be published on the TV news, in the paper, and on the web. Perhaps someone should start a website that tracks those who try to suppress the American voter, the same way we have done with sex criminals. The more public we make them, the more difficult it will be for them to pull their nasty tricks in the future.
Hi jjgravitas! Thanks for your comment and your signature! Please spread this around to your friends and ask them to sign. We need some help to reach our 5,000 goal.
I was glad to see Rachel Maddow do a segment tonight on this subject. I hope she will keep it up. Sen. Sherrod Brown was on as her guest and he said he’d never seen anything like this radical bunch that is trying to take away everything we hold dear! This is a nasty uphill battle for sure!
In the words of Brads Blog, read this before it’s gone from the Fox site!!
Voter ID Laws Target Rarely Occurring Voter Fraud
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/24/voter-id-laws-target-rarely-occurring-voter-fraud/#ixzz1Z7YtEMZF
I do see that it is an AP story but how, who allowed it to posted on Fox, I find amazing! Will this be discussed on Fux and Fiends in the morning? 😉
Signed at last! Like others, I hit a few bumps in the road in getting the account set up and being able to add my name to petitions. But with persistence all went well and the signature appeared. Thanks, AdLib, for getting the ball rolling!
Always happy to help, signed it.
AdLib, I so glad I could stop in but this isn’t loading. I’ll keep on it though. A lot of sad things, but voter suppression just says too much.
We have to make sure the link is showing up in the Twitter feed. I have posted it to a couple of other blogs today, like “The People’s View”. Also, I’ve sent it to my email contacts. We only have 26 signatures so far…we need a lot of help!
I’m having LOTS of trouble signing in – that just grinds away barring me from signing!
I will keep trying – afternoons are the worst times I understand.
It is a bit tricky C’lady. They sent me an email checking to make sure it was a human/working email and I had to click the link in the email. Of course you are a known “trouble maker.” 😆
I just signed, and am #30. It seems to be going rather slow.
Maybe others are having the same browser-hell problems I’m having. I thought I already had an account there (but I guess this is separate from the regular whitehouse.gov account?) Anyway, I created a new account, verified it, and signed in, but I still can’t click the SIGN PETITION button. It’s greyed out.
A little progress on the state front?
WI DA looking at voter bribery accusations against “pro-life” group: Subpoenas distributed “like candy.”
This is the kind of thing that needs to be done to get the attention of the Federal district attorney’s attention, that and the petition!
I really like this idea of petitions connected to WH.gov. I signed and tweeted your petition and a few others. This needs to go viral.