The choice of Paul Ryan is a clear and unambiguous statement that the Romney campaign knows they are losing in a big way and needed to make a Hail Mormon pass to have even a miniscule chance of winning.
Just a week ago, Mitt Romney was on the verge of winning three straight primaries and locking up the nomination. Today, Mitt has only one win and may lose tonight in SC. Join us here to discuss predictions about and the results and impact of the SC primary.
When it comes to being tone deaf and tone blind and tone dumb, the Repub's have cornered the market in 2012.
Perry's out! Newt's up! Romney's down! Newt's ex-wife attacks! Romney's taxes attack him! And the South Carolina primary is in two days! Join us for a live blog of tonight's debate, it should be entertaining!
So Mitt has chosen to play his cards very close to the vest. Secrecy is one watchword. Another is that he does not admit error. And the third is that he will reconstruct any value, any position, if it gets him closer to his goal.
Thanks to the crack team at PlanetPOV temporarily laying off the crack and doing some investigative work for a change, we are able to bring to you this exclusive advance draft of the speech Mitt Romney will give tonight.
Some people might say that the Romney upside-down and backwards mindset on virtually everything is through-the-looking-glass thinking...and they'd be right!
A handy dandy crib card for those who know that Ryan is a bad choice but don't quite know why.
Do these GOP leaders really think that the angry, bigoted white Republicans who are so enthusiastic about Trump for voicing all of that for them, will suddenly just start obeying the smug, elitist candidate they opposed in 2012 for being the establishment tool he was?
America has become one big cynical carnival of games but at least the GOP has even been considerate enough to throw in a number of clowns at no extra cost.


A Federal Database of Pregnant Women. What Could Go Wrong?

What could possibly go wrong with a government mandate pregnancy registry? Did she consider the cost of implementing this hair-brain idea of hers? I’m sure if pushed on this, the first words out of her mouth will be it’s voluntary. That would be a lie.

Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."