Do these GOP leaders really think that the angry, bigoted white Republicans who are so enthusiastic about Trump for voicing all of that for them, will suddenly just start obeying the smug, elitist candidate they opposed in 2012 for being the establishment tool he was?
Romney says corporations should be able to marry, gun manufacturing corporations should be allowed to have shotgun weddings, the energy industry deserves to have a nuclear family if they so choose and competing corporations should have the moral right to get into bed with each other.
You're invited to a gallery opening for PlanetPOV's parody artwork. Inside are a selection of graphics created by and for folks here at PlanetPOV, poking fun at Mitt Romney and others on the Right Wing. Enjoy!
Bernie.Madoff speaks out against the travesty of attacking Romney and Free Enterprise in the following piece...originally written on several rolls of toilet paper in prison.
ROMNEY: "I like Mexicans food, it's just the right taste. My wife and I often have a case of dillas, typically with cheese."
Romney's new campaign of "Going after Obama's biography" is code that's not that hard to break. Let's see...he's not American, he lived in Indonesia, his Father was Kenyan and Muslim, Reverend Wright led his church, he smoked pot as a teen and had an afro...where exactly is all of this leading? It's so bewildering!
Romney's ideal America is one where the wealthy buy their own White House and Congress, tax revenues are rerouted from the poor, elderly and majority into the pockets of the wealthy and all regulations that prevent the wealthy from harming the public are removed.
  What is the White Horse Prophecy and is it important in the presidential race of 2012? The White Horse Prophecy is a statement purported to have been made in 1843 by Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Latter Day...
Bill Clinton has repeatedly put self-gratification above the best interest of the people and that is reflected even today in his throwing Obama under the train to protect those who are driven in limos.
Join us tonight in this thread for thoughts and commentary about tonight's impending results in New Hampshire and what they mean for these candidates as the primary moves forward.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.