
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

LIVE BLOG – GOP Debate in FL

Okay, it's rigged this time with questions voted on by Baggers but maybe the hatred and stupidity of these dwarves will show through. Please feel free to live blog with...

The Death of Troy Davis and Reasonable Doubt

Last night's execution of a man who many on the right and left believed was not proven to have committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, also killed confidence in a core principle in our American legal system.

The Republican Cure For Everything…Tax Cuts!

As this video shows, there is only one magical cure for all that ails America and cuts!

Embracing Class Warfare

Imagine if a molester was stopped from molesting and claimed that doing so was molesting him. Now you know how the GOP deals with attempts to interrupt the ongoing class warfare by the wealthy against 99% of Americans.

Weekend Music Thread – Oldies But Goodies

This weekend, we invite you to reach back to songs you enjoyed when you were younger or songs from before you were born. Classical, jazz, blues, pop or rock, songs from the past that stay with you.

Vox Populi – 9-16-2011

AdLib : Tax increases cause swine flu, make you lose hair and turn your children against you. PatsyT : Gee if Tax Cuts can do all this, imagine what Tax...

Pundits Anonymous – The Prediction Addiction

In the modern era of punditry and media, we have now become accustomed to news being a never ending chain predictions. As the crude saying goes, predictions are like assholes, every news show has them.

Weekend Music Thread – Get Back

In his jobs speech this week, President Obama took on his adversaries and returned to the inspiring style that so many have been waiting for. This weekend's music thread about getting back to where you once belonged and fighting the good fight.

Vox Populi – 9-9-2011

AdLib : Khirad - An interesting comparison, an unjustly destructive campaign to inflict long term and lasting harm to a society. And as you mention, it is just fate...

JOIN THE LIVE BLOG TONIGHT: Pres. Obama’s Jobs Speech

Join us tonight to live blog during Pres. Obama's Jobs Speech before a joint session of Congress. Until then, feel free to comment about your thoughts about what he should say, what we should do to get our economy back on track and how all of this connects with the 2012 elections.