
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2307 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – Get Back

In his jobs speech this week, President Obama took on his adversaries and returned to the inspiring style that so many have been waiting for. This weekend's music thread about getting back to where you once belonged and fighting the good fight.

Vox Populi – 9-9-2011

AdLib : Khirad - An interesting comparison, an unjustly destructive campaign to inflict long term and lasting harm to a society. And as you mention, it is just fate...

JOIN THE LIVE BLOG TONIGHT: Pres. Obama’s Jobs Speech

Join us tonight to live blog during Pres. Obama's Jobs Speech before a joint session of Congress. Until then, feel free to comment about your thoughts about what he should say, what we should do to get our economy back on track and how all of this connects with the 2012 elections.

JOIN THE LIVE BLOG TONIGHT: GOP Debate at Reagan Library

We'll be live blogging on this thread during the debate, hope you'll join us. In the mean time, please feel free to post comments about the GOP primary and any of the cast from this hit reality show, "Election - Arkham Asylum Edition".

Weekend Music Thread – We Can Work It Out

In honor of Labor Day, the theme for this weekend's music thread is about working, whether it's working at a job, working at a relationship or working out things...

Vox Populi – 9-2-2011

AdLib is online. bito : "We're a citizens' think tank, a public blog open to all where real people can express real opinions on politics, news, social issues and enjoy...

9/11 10th Anniversary Coverage – Rememberence or Terror Porn?

There can be no question about the historic importance of 9/11 and how it changed the course of America. There's an enormous amount to be learned and remembered but there can be a thin line between exploring those events and exploiting the horror of that day just for ratings or other less than altruistic agendas.

Americans Elect – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

Americans Elect feels like a Koch-Brothers-type Tea Partying of the Left and Indies. Exploit the anger and frustration of the constituency and drive them together under a populist tent...that's in fact owned by the wealthy.

Weekend Music Thread – Stormy Weather

Keeping in mind our friends on the East Coast preparing for Hurricane Irene, this week's music theme is about weather, stormy, sunny and everything in between.

Vox Populi – 8-26-2011

AdLib is online. Emerald1943 : ...' AdLib : See you next week! AdLib : But, it does look like time to bring tonight's edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thanks Emerald...