In this revealing video, the Mainstream Media Police continue to assure the wealthy and corporations that they have nothing to fear from the Occupy Wall Street protests:
CAUGHT ON TAPE: MSM Police Meet Occupy Wall Street by AdlibPOV

In this revealing video, the Mainstream Media Police continue to assure the wealthy and corporations that they have nothing to fear from the Occupy Wall Street protests:
CAUGHT ON TAPE: MSM Police Meet Occupy Wall Street by AdlibPOV
Isn’t that a very young Kevin Bacon?
Yep, his first film role I believe. Back then you needed 20 degrees of Kevin Bacon to get to him.
Heh!Good one.
I believe he was also the same frat pledge boy who uttered the immortal words, “Thank you, sir. May I please have another!”
The corporate MSM has the “nothing to see here” attitude and the only way to change that is sustaining the protests. Obviously time will tell but I can see these protests sharpening the contrasts between Dems and Repubs already. Dems at least empathize with them even if they are partially at fault but Repubs are going to the anti-American card they love and even calling them astroturf. I mean does the right ever have a new idea lately they just have been parroting attacks the left has levied against the right.
I see a massive backfire for the MSM and the GOP on lying about and attacking a movement that I think could end up representing millions of Americans…as opposed to the relative handful of astroturf Baggers.
They want to get even for the legit criticism and attacks on their phony grass roots group but don’t realize that 99% of Americans are not “the fringe”.
As things keep growing, I am growing a bit more confident each day that this may indeed become a massive movement…and woe to those who tried to stomp on it in its early days.
The longer that they try to stomp on this movement, the more they show their true colors. And the idiots don’t even realize it yet. The average American is not as dumb as FOX takes them for.
Agreed, these fools live in a RW bubble and I think many truly believe that most Americans are ignorant dupes like Fox viewers and Baggers.
They are clueless about the majority of Americans and I think that’s great because they are destroying their character in plain view.
I love it. They are so programmed to lie, disseminate and spout their RW bullshit, that they have blinded themselves to their own short comings. Talk about myopia!
JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple. The money will pay for 1,000 new patrol car laptops, as well as security monitoring software in the NYPD’s main data center.
Nothing to see here move along.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Yipe. Are we that far from OCP privately owning our police forces? Was Robocop really science fiction or a prediction?