
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

Gas Prices and the Presidency – An MSM Fictional Production

If the GOP wants to cry about gas prices being high because of President Obama, they need to declare that they want the US government to nationalize the oil industry.

Weekend Music Thread – Lights, Camera, Action!

With the Academy Awards coming up on Sunday, this weekend's theme is music from movies. Share your favorite songs and soundtracks from movies past and present or even clips of your favorite movie scenes.

Vox Populi – 2-24-2012

AdLib : Looks like it's about that time now to wrap up Vox Populi for the night. Thanks to all for another rousing evening. Sleep well Sabreen and Sally!...

LIVE BLOG: GOP Debate in Arizona on CNN – 2-22-2012

After a month of regenerating sanity from a hiatus in the GOP debate schedule, tonight we live blog a new and what may actually prove to be a very pivotal debate.

Amusing and Little Known Trivia about American Presidents

Here's some fascinating and little known trivia about every President we've had in the United States. Give yourself that extra tidbit to spring on someone else who thinks they know history well by reading on...

Weekend Music Thread – Wish You Were Here

This week's music thread is dedicated to celebrating those we miss, whether because time has separated us or time has made it hard to see them as much as we wish we could.

Vox Populi – 2-17-2012

SallyT : Good night, AdLib! AdLib : That's good news all the way around! Night! SallyT : She feels like she is contributing to everything again. SallyT : You have a great...

Religion in Politics – Praying While Preying on the People

As frustrating as it is to those of reason, that there must be some way to convince those in the Religious Right of reality and out of believing Republican falsehoods, you can lead a sheep to water but you can't make him brush aside the wool that's been pulled over his eyes so he can see the water and drink.

A GOP Anti-Valentine to Women

Republicans love to hate, in fact, for Valentine's Day today, the GOP website will send a dozen hateful pejoratives in a gift box to that special Muslim or gay person on your enemies list.

Weekend Music Thread – Baby, Baby

Since this week's hot button issue was contraception, we "conceived" a theme for this week's music thread to be about "baby"s and sex.