
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Why Romney and the GOP Can’t Repeal “Obamacare”

Romney's latest set of magic political underwear will not protect him nor the fantasy he wants to promote about being able to repeal the ACA.

Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act

In what can only be described as a surprising outcome, Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal Supreme Court judges to uphold the Affordable Care Act and its key provision of the individual mandate.

EXCLUSIVE: Mitt Romney’s Secret Gaffes About Latinos Uncovered

ROMNEY: "I like Mexicans food, it's just the right taste. My wife and I often have a case of dillas, typically with cheese."

Weekend Music Thread – Summer in the City

Kids are out of school, Independence Day is just around the corner and The Republicans are trying to barbecue the Attorney's now officially summer...which coincidentally is this weekend's music theme.

Vox Populi – 6-22-2012

AdLib : Night! SallyT : You, too, AdLib! Good night. AdLib : Looks like it's time to wrap Vox for the night. Enjoyed it again as always, closing the VP bar...

Republicans Fight to Allow the Dead to Vote

"We do think we have a better shot than the Democrats at appealing to the pale white, mortified, brain dead, no information voter but that's not why we're doing this," Karl Rove evilly gloated, twirling a fake handlebar mustache he had just attached above his lip.

Weekend Music Thread – A Tribute to Fathers

This Sunday is Father's Day so this weekend's music theme is about celebrating and remembering our fathers.

Vox Populi – 6-15-2012

AdLib : Thanks CL! Hope I win a chocolate gold medal tomorrow for the water balloon toss! AdLib : Thanks so much CL! BTW, thanks for the background on Simone....

GOP Files For Divorce From Reality

Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, announced today at a gathering of high profile Republicans and Wall Street executives that the GOP is formally divorcing reality on grounds of irreconcilable differences.

Breaking Down MSNBC

Each weekday, MSNBC creates 5 original hours of Conservative-hosted shows and 7 original hours of Progressive-hosted shows so of its hours of partisan programming, 42% are Conservative and only 58% are Progressive.