
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

30,000 Reasons to Leave Afghanistan

The numbers appear to be leaked by The White House, 30,000 more troops for Afghanistan. Some of the buzz from the MSM is that Pres. Obama will present this as...

A Thanksgiving Tradition

It is a tradition with our family that at Thanksgiving Dinner, we go around the table and each of us says what we're thankful for. It occurred to me...


President Obama is going to announce his plans for Afghanistan after Thanksgiving. It may be ironic that by then we will be done giving thanks. Word right now is that the...

Our 10,000th Comment!

A big thanks to all the members here for making this a remarkable month...and it's not even over! We've only been officially open for business since August and we've...

“The Weekly Planet” Debuts Tonight!

Thanksgiving is less than a week away but here at The Planet, every Friday Night is a holiday from the week's "adventures". As usual, we encourage members to give that...

Senate Bill: CBO Says 2/3 of U.S. Would Have Public Option Available

The CBO is estimating that 2/3 of the U.S. population will have a Public Option available in their state, according to the Senate bill. Unless I'm reading this breaking news...

New Event: Live Roundtable – “The Weekly Planet”

Coming on the heels of the successful debut of our new feature, "Debate Night Live", we are launching a new live event which will debut this Friday night, "The...

Jobs are Job #1

The stock market is over 10,000. Banks are declaring billions in profits. Just one problem. There ain't no jobs! It is not unusual for jobs to be the last thing...

Your Satisfaction is our Greatest Annoyance

In ancient times, when the Earth was young and teabagging was part of a cultured afternoon, merchants would provide those who frequented their establishments with a quaint, old fashioned...