In a surprise move today, Arizona Senator and 2008 Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain has demanded at a press conference that a special Senate committee be formed to investigate his own sanity…or as Senator McCain put it, “What do I know and when did I know it? And why? And where are my keys?”
Recently, Senator McCain has been outspoken about the need to investigate the Obama Administration for what he views as a coverup on their reporting about the tragic events in Benghazi last month. He has been particularly harsh on UN Ambassador Susan Rice for acting as a spokeswomen for the Obama Administration shortly after the incident occurred.
“I know Rice and I don’t like Rice, I like beans but I don’t know beans,” McCain stated in a press conference on Wednesday.
Yesterday, when he skipped a Congressional top secret briefing on Benghazi by the CIA in order to hold a press conference, demanding that a top secret briefing from the CIA was needed by Congress, McCain became suspicious of himself and accused himself of intentionally covering up the truth about his own sanity from himself.
“I call upon The Senate to set up a Special Committee to investigate Senator John McCain’s complicity in a coverup over his demands for a Special Committee on Benghazi. I am concerned that he, and by “he” I mean “I”…could be doing this to undermine the legitimacy and reputation of a United States Senator…namely me.”
Senator McCain went on to make some frank and unapologetically tough statements about himself, “First of all, with all due respect to myself, Senator McCain is not that bright. I mean, look who I picked to be my Vice Presidential nominee in 2008. Sarah Palin? Was I turned down by a bucket of mud first or what? And when the nation’s economy was in free fall I simply declared to the nation, “The fundamentals are sound?” which mortally wounded my Presidential bid? It’s all far too convenient, things like that don’t just happen, there has to be a more behind my actions of sabotaging my career and legacy and I mean to get to the bottom of it!”
According to Senator McCain, there is a possibility that all of the statements and decisions he has made that have caused him to look like a senile, bitter and vindictive old fool are the result of a conspiracy.
“Just because I open my mouth and words come out, doesn’t mean they’re my words,” McCain said while opening his mouth and letting words come out. “Why should we take on faith that what I’ve said is truthful when there could be political reasons and benefits to my saying something that isn’t in earnest,” McCain said earnestly.
“I am being attacked by myself for my competency and the sincerity of my motivations which I find outrageous so I also call upon The Senate to censure me for this unjustified and offensive personal attack against myself,” McCain declared.
Insiders say it is unlikely that The Senate will create a Special Committee to allow Senator McCain to investigate himself for the actions and statements he’s made that have degraded his name and reputation though McCain is prepared for that outcome.
“If the Democrats in The Senate refuse my request for this Special Committee, I will take action on my own to sue myself for slander, defamation of character and staring back at me with a snide expression in the mirror. The American People deserve answers, they have a right to know if I am involved in a conspiracy against myself and if so, how high up the conspiracy goes…who knows…perhaps all the way up to my head.”

Ad, great take on a man who’s reputation always seemed to precede reality.
At best his “maverickism” rep was earned simply by being less bought and less nuts than his GOP colleagues.
With age and disappointment the cheap gilding has worn off and the true man stands revealed.
A loser.
Excellent take funk, excellent. His whole Mr. Maverick was part of the blueprint before he even ran for office, it was part of the “get the Senator Goldwater people” after first shopping for a state with a vacant seat he could run in and dumping his wife for younger, healthier and wealthier model. McCain was a package ready to sell. His being a poor student wasn’t because he was just that a poor student,nope, it was because he a maverick, his demerits and and poor discipline, same thing, crashing planes, you got it not poor pilot, maverick…… Might help he had two admirals in the family, eh?
I’m afraid AdLib that McCain has gotten to the point where when he does find his keys, he doesn’t know what their use is?
Bito, in 2008 he didn’t even know how many homes he had. In 2012, I doubt he knows which keys are for which house…or where they are.
AdLib, I stole that story from a RN who specializes in Gerontology mostly Alzheimer’s. She said it’s not bad to misplace your keys and forget where you put them, it’s a worse sign when you are consistently forgetting where you put them, daily or more. The real sign is when you find you keys and say what are these for? He came close to that when he asked for hearings, got hearings, then didn’t go to the hearings. Did he not know what the hearings was for, or what the newser was for? There seems to be something lose there and I think people are starting to hear something rattling around.
Very good points, Bito.
Seriously, I don’t think McCain is senile though I don’t think he’s the brightest man in the world. He was grandstanding for multiple agendas and the truth doesn’t matter to him, just the agenda.
So when he had a choice between self-serving agenda and the truth, he chose the former and wholly humiliated himself.
He doesn’t really care about Benghazi, it’s just a tool for him to attack Obama. So when the situation rose to actually get info about Benghazi, he couldn’t care less.
His insincerity is laid bare, his self-serving, anti-Obama agenda is plain for all to see, he has destroyed any meaningfulness his being a Senator would bring.
Bye-bye McCain in 2016.
AdLib, I totally agree 110% 😉 I don’t think he is senile at all. After he lost to Obama, many of us in AZ didn’t think he was even going to run and when he did run that he took such a hard right turn. Yes, there always loud anti-McCain faction in AZ, but they have never been that strong. Almost like JD Hayworth loud but that’s all, loud. We thought it was a joke that the national pudnuts were giving JD any chance. The election proved it. When he got elected, I wrote him and said that he had a great chance to become a statesman working with Obama his last term. hi legacy. You can see he took my email to heart and did the exact opposite. 😆
if he’s not senile, I can only can come to on conclusion and that is he follows the McCain code handed down from his grandfather, a black man can’t be an Admiral no way, no how and he lost to a black man the first to do it and he is pissed! That won’t do for the two Admirals!
People on both sides of the aisle now see McCain as an old fool. And you know what they say, there’s no fool like and old fool.
This will be his legacy. Not war hero (which I don’t think he is for being tortured, he was a war victim), not maverick, not a great senator, he will be remembered as a blathering, angry old man who squandered away any good will he had earned in a trumped up, racially-tainted campaign against the first black President and other black members of his Administration out of a selfish need for vengeance after losing his Presidential bid.
He is shrinking and shrinking into obscurity and irrelevance. The just desserts for an elitist who was willing to sacrifice everything he had for possessing the greatest power one man could have.
No one in the media or Congress are going to ask the important questions about Benghazi:
1. The SC resolution: Why did France & UK author it? Why did Russia & China abstain?
2. Was Stevens in Benghazi during the conflict? if so, what did he do?
3. Why did Stevens go to Benghazi? Who sent him there? To what purpose? To meet someone? Who?
4. Why did he go with insufficient protection?
No one will ask those questions.
The Guardian claimed in an article on 13 September that Stevens had been expected in the area the morning of that Wednesday to “inaugurate a landmark medical exchange project between the (Benghazi Medical) centre and Harvard Medical School” and the medical staff was surprised when he showed up early as a patient. That may have been part of the reason why he was there and it may have been a plausible innocuous reason for his presence that evening but there has been so little conversation about this that I have remaining questions.
It looks like no one is interested.
agrippa, these are very good questions and there are many others that should be answered. The real problem is that the Republicans don’t want answers, they want a scandal.
So instead of putting everything in perspective and pursuing a public inquiry into what happened as a way to understand what transpired and prevent it from happening in the future, the GOP is just intent on rolling it all up like a magazine to hit Obama over the head.
What is it McCain and the Repubs are really accusing Obama of? Having a spokesperson deliver an initial description of what was thought to have happened according to the CIA but was qualified as not necessarily accurate, as not being accurate.
That’s it.
Yet, McCain and the Repubs seem to be saying that somehow, an incomplete and admittedly initial and possibly inaccurate report from the Obama Admin somehow may actually be responsible for going back in time and killing four Americans somehow.
The logic escapes me…mainly because there is no logic here, just a desperate stampede by Repubs and McCain to grab onto and create some scandal to cripple Obama’s Presidency.
This is disgusting, especially coming from McCain, to so cruelly exploit the deaths of Americans to serve his political and personal vendettas. What a complete ass.
I agree.
This is something that they fastened onto. It will blow over in awhile.
As for these questions, I think that it will take years for a historian to research it. It may never come out. History has many unanswered questions.
Someone ( plural) knows the answers to those questions. But, they will keep quiet about it. The answers will never leave the WH and/or the CIA.
You hit the crux of the issue again AdLib. McCain has gone insane since he lost an election to a skinny black guy. Like the rest of the GOP he’s just a delusional political hack now. Here’s a guy that wanted with with Iraq based on lies even before the Bushies wanted it. Yet no one was ever held responsible for those lies. You notice how the right wing always pick proxy fights with high ranking African American officials because they can’t get after Obama. From Jarrett to Holder and now Susan Rice. Why isn’t McCain and Republicans attacking Hillary or even Petraeus? We all know why.
Very good point, KQ, attacking the black surrogate for Obama does seem to be a pattern. Don’t forget to add Common and Van Jones to the list.
McCain is the quintessential old white elitist and to have been beaten by a young black man who never served in the military is an outrage, he felt as entitled to the Presidency over the “inferior” black man as Romney did.
Such a huge and historic failure by McCain and Romney to uphold White and Upper Class Superiority is more than either can bear. I saw a report today that Romney said he and his family feel like the campaign is still going on, IOW, they can’t accept yet that he lost.
Mitt Romney and John McCain have almost always gotten everything they wanted so to be denied like this is something they just can’t process.
Fine with me, let the country see what failures and emotional basket cases the GOP elite really are.
I’m not surprised about what’s going on with Romney because McCain never ended his campaign against Obama. The good part is at least Romney holds no office and is now a pariah. The real funny part is McCain is a pariah too except with a few in the beltway media. This whole thing that he still has any real gravitas on national security is a MSM creation.
I just looked at the latest numbers today and I saw now Obama finished with a margin of victory of over 3% and will end up winning by over 4 million votes. So that RAND continuing poll I was talking about toward the end of the election will end up being one of the closest. Also Gallup and Rasmussen cannot hide now with their skewed polls because both of them are no outside the margin of error. I know I’m a little obsessed with Gallup and Rasmussen coming clean but I think it will be important come future elections. Allot of Dems were discouraged from voting in 2010 for a number of reasons but one was how bad the polls looked and even back then Rasmussen in particular was biased toward Republicans when PPP was spot on.
KQ, so true about McCain, it’s been a campaign of revenge that McCain has continued against Obama. He already has made himself look so small and petty and now, irrelevant.
As for Gallup and Rasmussen, they were so far off that they have seriously undercut their influence, just the opposite of their intentions, and have made Nate Silver’s reputation skyrocket.
Next election, who’s going to pay any attention to them over Silver? Once a poll is tainted, like Zogby has learned, there’s no coming back.
Funny stuff Ad! My favorite part;
“I know Rice and I don’t like Rice, I like beans but I don’t know beans,” McCain stated in a press conference on Wednesday.
This made me laugh out loud.
Thanks KT! Glad you liked the Rice and beans gag, McCain is both clueless and full of hot air so the beans seem doubly appropriate.
According to the movie Game Change, McCain will never retire because his grandfather died a week after WWI ended and his dad died after WWII or something like that. Anyway, the old goat is afraid he will kick the bucket if he isn’t a senator. So, I say they let him have a corner in the Senate and let him sit there and talk to himself. Once in awhile give him a “uh huh” and move on with business. Why anyone gives him so much air time is the question. Do they miss Mr. Magoo cartoons?
Sounds like a “forced retirement” is in the cards for McCain. The interesting thing is that when his seat is up in 2016, when he’ll be 80, the Latino population in AZ will be even stronger. Carmona is barely behind Flake with more votes left to be counted. If Carmona loses, he would be well advised to go up against McCain in 2016 and I think he’d beat him by a decent margin.
That is a good idea Adlib for Rich Carmona. Personally if they are being honest with the count I think he should win this time. Latinos were too pissed for this to be a fluke. I would demand a recount with both sides monitoring.
All kidding aside (although this contribution did make me snort a bit), I find McCain’s slide into irrelevant obscurity sad.
His record as a pilot and as a POW is the story of someone who was sometimes reckless but who got the job done (as horrific as it was) and who, despite years of excruciating pain (surgery without anesthesia, rough interrogation, torture and crippling long term injuries), 2 years in isolation, and one lapse when he was broken and made an obviously false confession- he showed extraordinary will and dedication. He became a model for other prisoners (in both his strength and his weakness).
His career in the House and the Senate while definitely fiscally conservative, hawkish, and nationalistic was also marked by a good deal of independence, a willingness to take on his own party, a record of cooperation across the aisle and more than a little of the reforming spirit that marked his maverick label.
It all changed in 2002 when he did not get his party’s Presidential nomination. From that moment on McCain has been, down deep, a hard, bitter, angry, scorned and sad man. He got the 2008 nomination because the party was happy to have anyone take it and then he was not backed by his own Party. He was soundly drubbed by Obama and cannot/will not forgive him for it. He allied himself to Romney hoping to regain some clout and has lost even more.
He is about to “age out” on the two committees on which he has seniority and is trying desperately to carve out a new committee for himself. He wants Rice out as Sec of State and Kerry in so Brown can run and then owe him.
It isn’t funny. Aging gracefully is not easy to do and in some cases it almost impossible to manage. That’s where McCain is.
He proposed the special Benghazi committee today, and got a note from Reid this afternoon saying the Majority was going to use the current committee structure to do the work that needs doing. Not even a day of consideration.
I expect McCain to be seriously challenged for his seat in 2016 frm both sides.
Murph, you should read this Rolling Stone article on McCain, it may change your views:
Much of the mythos behind McCain being independent and noble is disproven.
McCain was an irresponsible, elitist brat who crashed 5 planes due to incompetence and showboating without any meaningful discipline or punishment and the last crash is the one that landed him in that prison.
He was horribly tortured and any compassionate human being should accord him compassion for that. Though, my definition of “hero” is perhaps different than one who is tortured and survived.
A hero fights for something they believe in that is bigger than themselves and this article helps to expose that all McCain has ever really fought for is his own sense of entitlement.
His “maverickism” was just a scheme, he found that he gained great popularity and media invites by being “independent” but was never convicted to any of those beliefs. Witness his 2010 re-election where he declared with a straight face that he had never referred to himself as a “maverick” and had always been a strongly conservative Repub.
He is as without a core and principles as Romney, as his behaviour since 2008, including the last week has proven.
Though I think it was horrible that he had to go through such horrible abuse as a POW, I have zero respect for who he genuinely is as a human being.
Yeah. I have read this story and two others that Rolling Stone published (one was call Full Metal McCain and was featured on the front cover with really disturbing art).
Rolling Stone really dislikes McCain. That is pretty clear.
I found all of the stories to be factual but not all that truthful. Here is what I mean….there is a lot of info and it builds a case in support of their contention that McCain is a fake, or a coward, or a partisan hack, or all of these.
I know something about the military and its culture and I found the presentation in all of the articles very slanted and determined to bring down his reputation in the military. It felt a bit like Kerry’s Swiftboating.
I can’t argue you this all that well, but my gut tells me that there was a concerted effort to paint him as badly as they could.
As to is career in the House and the Senate….there are lots of examples of him going against the tide in his party and reaching out to Dems. Now by the time we get to the 2000’s McCain’s compass is akilter. His emotional strength is wavering and, I think, his mental capacity is diminished.
Even so, in 2008, having selected Sarah Palin, an awful thing for anyone whose campaign slogan was “Country First” to do, he does not support the efforts of his campaign to go with the Wright Story, or to go full bore on the radical roots story, or to let the Muslim angle play out without challenge. He put on the brakes.
I do not find him someone who I admire, stem to stern but there elements of his life that are certainly points of real honor and integrity, all of which are being tarnished in these last years.
My opinion and little more.
Murph, it is sad to say that McCain has stayed to long at the party. He has had to many drinks and the man that entered with statue and honor will stumble out and be remembered more for the exit than his entrance. That is sad, I agree.
I think you summarize this well.
It is my impression as well.
Murph, since we don’t know McCain personally, all we have to go on is what makes sense to us.
In my case, I think you have to be able to square McCain’s behavior holistically to approximate who he really is.
How does his behavior post-2000s square with re-2000’s? Do people really flip 180 degrees on issues and principles?
IMO, they don’t. McCain being a genuinely principled independent just doesn’t fit with his earlier and later life. Is it possible that he took a big turn? Yes, though I find it far less likely than the explanation that seems most probable to me and fits all of his behavior.
If McCain’s central motivation was to benefit himself, stand out from the pack, put himself in a position to even run for President and get the nomination, not a job for a man with a small ego, then playing the role of Mr. Maverick makes perfect sense alongside his self-centered behavior before and after.
His choice of Palin, to endanger the entire nation with that moron a heartbeat away from being the most powerful person on the planet stinks of nothing but greed. His latest stunt of trying to turn Benghazi into Watergate and create an important position for himself as he loses power in the Senate…at the cost of destroying the career of Amb. Rice and the Presidency at a time of great crisis reflects the same.
Can a leopard change its spots so swiftly and extremely? Possible but I just don’t think it’s likely.
McCain comes from an entitled background, continues to act as if he’s entitled to step on others and be deceptive just to satisfy his desires, that’s who I would propose he has always been.
Most of us live our lives in a stew of mixed motivation. I do not deny that McCain has lived his life in the shadow of a very dominant father and grandfather. Oddly, I argue that a career as a U.S. Senator is certainly as important as a life as a high ranking navy officer. Yet, I doubt that McCain does.
He is flawed. So was Kennedy. So is Obama. So are we all.
But, I argue that McCain’s character, even his recklessness as a young pilot, made him a pilot the navy wanted to send into combat. Pushing through a bombing run as ground to air missiles track you requires quite a bit of recklessness.
As a POW- he stood up in ways I cannot imagine anyone doing. I know that not all agree, but he seemed to take more than most did and to resist nearly all the time. Surgery without anesthesia….my god.
In the House and Senate, he did a good job. I look at the list of other members of Congress who allied with him, supported him and praised him. It is large and bipartisan.
So, just as his being shot down was a watershed that turned him in positive directions, I think his experience of running for the GOP nomination in 2002 turned him in a negative direction.
He was the subject of a huge smear campaign. The smears claimed that McCain had fathered a black child out of wedlock (the McCains’ dark-skinned daughter was adopted from Bangladesh), that his wife Cindy was a drug addict, that he was a homosexual, and that he was a “Manchurian Candidate” who was either a traitor or mentally unstable from his North Vietnam POW days. While the Bush campaign denied it had anything to do with this, the campaign did not go out of its way to make the point.
That was the start. And from there it was downhill. I wish he had retired. It would have been a good time to do so.
Wow Murph, you sure are putting a bunch of his past into the mix. Is this just for background sake or does all of this have some impact on his rude, grumpy and wacky behavior that has done nothing but get worse since he lost to Obama?
And don’t take all of his past as the truth the whole truth… take bunch of it as this is campaign truth, the whole campaign truth……
He was also a carpetbagging ladies man who left his one wife for a younger richer model. They always make a big deal out of it that he has never expoloited his service/POW status when the complete opposite is the truth. Same thing with his maverick and bipartisanship labels, both pushed and denied as deed be according to how his popularity polls are doing. He votes party well into the mid 90% 5-6-7. He’s got his big standbys he pulls out when he needs to the Maverick. Perhaps I see him quite differently because he is my senator and I’ve seen some of his campaigning.
Murph, guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I do have to say that just because he got off with a slap on the wrist, his involvement with the Keating Five displayed a corrupt and pay-for-play nature of this man.
His vindictive and selfish actions throughout his life form a consistent pattern that can be discounted as a personality flaw but either way, are reflective of who he is.
The way he treated his first wife, cheating on her then dumping her for the wealthy woman he was cheating with, shows a serious lack of principles.
I see him from the opposite direction, as a selfish man who had periods in his life where he showed character, it seems that you see him as the inverse.
Of course, neither of us know him personally, all we can do is observe and speculate as to who he really is.
I do think we agree though that McCain is acting at this time as a vindictive and dishonorable man, trying to destroy the reputations and careers of an accomplished black woman and a remarkable black man to satisfy his own need for revenge, political advantage and relevance. Would you agree?
I read that during the 08 election and it did change my mind about McCain. He has always been a dog.
i agree with your evaluation of the McCain we see now vs the McCain we’ve known for years. A once honorable man whose decline into irrelevance is accelerating with each outburst. We focus on his choice of Sarah as his running mate, but in my view it was his decision to suspend his campaign to rush back to DC to help his colleagues on the hill stop the bleeding of what he described as the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression. What we saw intead was a man walking the halls going nowhere and sitting in conference rooms doing nothing? He’s come unhinged and we laugh at the show. Was he not one of the two Senators who proposed term limits? Now he himself is demonstrating why that needs to be addressed.
Yes, this fits into my understanding of him as a slowly but surely diminishing public figure.
You might want to check out the discussion that Ad Lib and I are having. I think it supports your observations.
Hey Murph did you forget his deal with the Keating 5?
The affair he had with Cindy while married to his first?
How he left her after she had supported him all through his captivity?
IMHO he has always been a snake
I do not know the ins and outs of the Keating Five as some do but here is what i do know.
The Ethics Committee ruled that the involvement of McCain and John Glenn in the scheme was minimal and that there was no intent to violate the rules of the Senate or to break the law. They were cleared of all charges against them. McCain and Glenn were both criticized by the Committee for exercising “poor judgment” when they met with the federal regulators on Keating’s behalf.
The report said that McCain’s “actions were not improper nor attended with gross negligence and did not reach the level of requiring institutional action against him….Senator McCain has violated no law of the United States or specific Rule of the United States Senate.”
On his Keating Five experience, McCain has said: “The appearance of it was wrong. It’s a wrong appearance when a group of senators appear in a meeting with a group of regulators, because it conveys the impression of undue and improper influence. And it was the wrong thing to do.”
That’s what I know.
Cranston was reprimanded. Riegle and DeConcini were publicly criticized.
The core allegation of the Keating Five affair is that Keating had made contributions of about $1.3 million to various U.S. Senators, and he called on those Senators to help him resist regulators. The regulators backed off, to later disastrous consequences. As a result of that Lincoln Savings and Loan collapsed in 1989, at a cost of over $3 billion to the federal government. Some 23,000 Lincoln bondholders were defrauded and many investors lost their life savings. The substantial political contributions Keating had made to each of the senators, totaling $1.3 million, attracted considerable public and media attention. After a lengthy investigation, the Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Cranston, DeConcini, and Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB’s investigation of Lincoln Savings, with Cranston receiving a formal reprimand. Senators Glenn and McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised “poor judgment”.
McCain and Keating had become personal friends following their initial contacts in 1981,and McCain was the only one of the five with close social and personal ties to Keating. Like DeConcini, McCain considered Keating a constituent as he lived in Arizona. Between 1982 and 1987, McCain had received $112,000 in political contributions from Keating and his associates. In addition, McCain’s wife Cindy McCain and her father Jim Hensley had invested $359,100 in the Fountain Square Project, a Keating shopping center, in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators. McCain, his family, and their baby-sitter had made nine trips at Keating’s expense, sometimes aboard Keating’s jet; three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating’s opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay. McCain did not pay Keating (in the amount of $13,433) for some of the trips until years after they were taken, when he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln. In 1989 Phoenix New Times writer Tom Fitzpatrick opined that McCain was the “most reprehensible” of the five senators.
That poor judgment cost many their life savings. Losses ultimately exceeded 500 billion. I do not remember McCain or any of the others ever apologizing for their bad judgment.
Thanks for my Saturday morning laugh AdLib. Great post getting to the heart of McCain’s nuttiness.
I think that McCain’s inner hate at always being the “bridesmaid” and never the “bride” is finally consuming his brain like an unstoppable zombie.
Next thing we know he will be stripping off in public shouting abuses at moving cars and lamp posts. He needs a permanent vacation from the Senate before he starts talking to himself there too.
Yes John, there was a scheduling error, but it was when you were re-elected for your Senate seat and not yesterday when you again made an utter fool of yourself in public.
Glad I could brighten your day, Kalima!
McCain is of the Romney mold when it comes to elitism, entitlement and deceiving the public as to who he really is, I’m sure he is having a 2008 flashback to his big loss…and that he was rooting for McCain to get revenge on Obama and see him defeated in his bid for a second term.
Instead, the old, white, entitled jerks all lost.
Pretty cool!
Yes, I remember his seven houses and now know why they were necessary, one for each day that his wife couldn’t bear to be under same roof with him. If he had any sense at all he would retire instead of becoming the laughingstock of DC, but these nasty buggers never take the hint. He is a very angry man who brings his misguided anger to the Senate floor, I hope he loses his seat the next time around, he has lost his integrity. You have to earn entitlement and respect, they can’t be bought.
Romney has shown with his recent “gifts from Obama” slur, that he was unfit to even run a company, never mind the whole country. Sooner or later they show their true colours.
McCain with his choice of VP in 08, should have been ignored from that day forward, and will never live it down. Unlike some I don’t feel sorry for him because he is a “war hero”, there are millions who earned that title who never would have used it to profit from it politically or in any other way. For that alone I could never forgive him in 08. Then he chose Palin and inflicted her on your country like the “Ebola” virus.
Kalima, at least Romney could remember how many houses he had.
McCain’s background and life as an entitled elitist has been airbrushed by his faux “maverickism”.
My definition of a war hero are those who go over and above to protect or rescue others. Being tortured is horrible and McCain deserved compassion for that but I classify him as a victim of a horrible act, not a hero.
I have yet to see anything about his life where he sacrificed for the sake of others. To me, that is the mark of a hero.
Yes I agree and the real heroes won’t talk about it very much. McCain ran on it, I found that shameful as the daughter of a Normandy, D Day vet who was all but forgotten by his government when it came to health care issues in later years.
LOL see Adlib? I could never write this kind of post. I think this man has lost it. Does he think people are not going to put two and two together and know he is just blowing smoke? I cracked up yesterday when that CNN producer got him pissed. All he asked is if McCain wants an investigation why he was not in the two hour briefing that took place yesterday? Old man went off on the guy…:-)
If I was Cindy I would be talking him into retirement. Go away gracefully not like some dementia addle brained old fogie.
Sue, I think McCain is jealous that Reagan got to continue as President after getting Alzheimers, McCain says, “I can do crazy too and get paid for it!”
Of course he got angry when his game blew up in his face, I’m just surprised he didn’t say, “Curses! And I would have gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids!”
Uhhh AdLib? I’m scared you could actually write this. Do you need a vacation from all this perhaps…?
Seriously this IS what is going on. I cannot wrap MY mind around McCain leaving the CIA hearing to demand a CIA hearing. That’s just nuts.
Choicelady, actually, it’s very easy to write dialog for McCain. Just pretend you’re a deluded, frustrated, angry, impotent, embittered, egotistical, demented old man. Of course its easier for McCain, he doesn’t have to pretend.