Today’s the day that thousands of emails Sarah Palin sent while governor of Alaska have been released.
In an attempt to hide her statements and actions from the citizens of her state and the public in general, she used a private Yahoo email account to conduct official state business.
Though today’s release of over 24,000 emails could result in some fascinating revelations, PlanetPOV has exclusively obtained a small but remarkable collection of them, presented below for your review:
Subject: Shorter School Week
From: Sarah Palin <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2007 15:39:42 +0000
To: Cynthia Curran – Alaska Dept. of Education <>Hiya Cynthia,
I’d like to tighten up our budget a bit and was thinkin that if we could shorten the school week a scooch, we could save a boodle on edjudation.
So I’m wonderin, whatcha think if we passed a bill saying that in Alaska, there are only six days in a week? If that sounds good, which day should we cut out? I was thinking Monday cause everyone hates Mondays. Let me know, I’m tryin to plan a family vacation and I’m gonna need to know how many days I’ll be gone.
p.s. We could cut back on History classes, I never needed them that much when I was in schools.
Subject: Stump Speech
From: Sarah Palin <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 18:31:24 +0000
To: John McCain <>Hey there John,
Just wanted to give ya a head’s up. The “pallin around with terrorists” bit is pure gold, folks are just eatin it up! Thank Karl and the Grand Dragon for me.
I’ve been hammerin “Hussein” too but I’m confused about saying Obama was born and raised in Canyon. You mean the Grand Canyon?
Also, excited about going on Katie Couric this week! Gonna show up that liberal know nothing. So fun to see my name in the one publication I read, TV Guide!
All the best,
Subject: Corrections Needed
From: Sarah Palin <>
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2007 10:13:31 +0000
To: Encyclopedia Britannica <>Dear Editors,
I’m writin ya to let ya know that ya got some mistakes at your site. My daughter Bristol was online lookin for the meanin of baby names for when she gets married and has sex for the first time and she found your site.
Now I don’t know how long you’ve been in business but if ya want to make it, ya can’t have all kindsa wrong things in a site that’s supposed ta tell ya the way things really happened.
First, ya got the years all wrong on when dinosaurs were around. If they only lived millions of years ago, how did Jesus ride one?
Next, even my youngest knows that the sun comes up and goes down, haven’t you ever seen a sunrise or sunset? Ya gotta fix that part about the Earth going around the Sun (dontcha feel embarassed?).
There are so many misteaks, I could go on and on but the last big one I want to mention is about the American Revelation. The truth is that it all started with the Tea Party that wanted to carry their guns in church and pay less taxes on their capital gains but the British told them they couldn’t. So the people rose up and held a Tea Party where they wore teabags on their hats and clothes and protested and told the British, “We don’t want your socialized health care or your misrepresentation without taxation so, yeah, we’re gonna protest and wear teabags instead of makin tea with them because drinking tea is what elitist communists like you do but we’re free Americans exercising our First Amendment rights so there’s nothing you can do.”
If you care about tellin people the truth, ya might wanna correct that.
In Sincerely,
Sarah Palin
Governor of Alaska (really!)
Subject: Great Advice!
From: Sarah Palin <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2009 15:39:42 +0000
To: Satan <>Hey Satan,
Just wanted to drop ya a line that everything’s goin great! How’s my soul doin? Ya know, I don’t even miss it a smidge, can’t tell any difference! Isn’t that just weird?
Just as ya said, folks just keep buyin into The Victim Act, thanks for the suggestion! So funny, I was just on Fox News and said how the English Language was attackin me and good ol’ Sean agreed! You should see my Facebook Page, all on their own, my followers have started a boycott against English and spellin. Can’t wait to see their signs in our upcoming protests against healthcare reform!
Hope you’re not worryin about our deal. Just cause we didn’t win the presidency (and yes, as we talked about, if we won I would’ve kept my promise and “accidentally” pushed John off of Mount Rushmore this year) doesn’t mean I’m not gonna do my part to bring Armegeddon around.
I think over the next year I’m gonna focus on pushin for more deep sea oil drillin and nuclear power. I’ll hammer Obama on not catching Bin Laden and not havin a birth certificate. Then when we take over Congress, Americans will fall right in line behind privatizing Medicare.
In 2012, when I win the presidency, people will think I’m the greatest president since Ben Franklin! Just as we agreed, I’ll launch wars against Iran, Pakistan, Russia and Alderaan (Princess Leia has gotten fat anyway, have you seen her lately?).
This is when you said you’ll send The Four Norsemen of the Apocalypse (hope they’re cute!) and Jesus can finally come back and take us good Christians up to heaven (Finally! There are so many people here on Earth to hate, it’ll be such a relief to get away from them!).
Let me know how you’re doin and if ya still want me to send you that fruitcake.
Yours Truly,
We hope to have more secret emails for you soon, stay tuned!

There’s a few gems in the real things
Sarah Palin asked God for guidance over Alaska state budget
A Palin/Bachmann ticket is what we need!
This music video is some very drawn out sarcasm and may go on a bit long, but it is well-produced.
Palin is the thinking man’s Bachmann?
Bachmann is the female Ann Coulter!!
That certainly spells it out!!!
Funny, but scary!
This country is so screwed up- they Might get elected.. horrors..
Wow! This was brilliant and very well done! Thanks for sharing it, I really enjoyed it and was quite impressed.
It is a bit longer than it probably should be but they had so much great material, it was probably hard for them to find something to cut.
Adlib…A for effort, BUT I have some constructive criticism for you….sorry to say, but your sentences were actually understandable. While you did a fantastic job with getting the ‘gist’ of her idiocy…your sentence structure was almost literate.
I know you tried REALLY hard..and you did a heck of a job…truly…very funny stuff…but it still sounded (in my head anyway) WAY above what Sarah is capable of drafting.
Good job trying must be very difficult to dumb it down to that level!!!! 🙂
LOL! Ditto Abbyrose!
Abby – You make a good point, but if Adlib truly recreated the word soup that Palin spouts, then this article wouldn’t be very readable.
No doubt Buddy! I usually have to read her statements multiple times before I, sort of, get what she is trying to say! 🙂
Abby, You assume she knows what she is trying to say.
Abby, I subscribe to Method Blogging, where the blogger “becomes” the subject they’re blogging about.
So, after providing myself with a series of concussions, painkillers, hyperventilating, spinning till I was dizzy then hacking away all the “g”s in “ing” verbs, I felt I was ready to “be” Palin for that brief period while all of the above was in effect.
What I forgot was the lobotomy, I could kick myself!!!
LOL! Yes Ad lib, in order to REALLY emulate Sarah, one would need the lobotomy!!! 🙂
I give you much credit for attempting this….you really had to dumb it down. It must have been very hard for you…as you are WAY WAY to intelligent to bring it down to her level.
Good job though! 🙂
Good stuff! I can just see it if she becomes president. A “War on Syntax”.
Don’t help, WTS. Sarah will assume Syntax is a Mideast nation she needs to bomb.
Sarah thinks “syntax” is what makes alcohol and cigarettes cost so much.
Bravo Adlib. This has got to be one of your best! I love that “shorten the week a scooch!” 😆 😆
Thanks Escribacat, so glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks Gransview! A pleasure to see you!
Thank you! You guys still rock!
I like Ezra Klein’s take on the emails:
ezraklein Ezra Klein
You wouldn’t believe all the important facts about American politics that I’ve learned while not reading Palin’s emails
How did we know it would just be mundane crap? Because Alaska finally went through them all and released them.
I pity those who go through all 24,000 of them, it will take weeks of rehab and non-stop showers to feel okay again.
I’m still trying to decide: “Wicca-Leaks” or “Wacky-Leaks”?
perhaps Wasillaleaks??
NO doubt…could you imagine having to actually read all that drivel????
AdL: Great stuff, I think you have a future career as Moosealini’s twitter and facebook ghost-writer! 🙂
So which of the six colleges was that picture of Palin taken?
Reform school.
Whatsamatta U.
I’m sorry but she was smoking fucking hot when she was younger. She’s still an attractive woman but goddamn she looked good.
And from the stories I’ve read, she used to be a pretty cool person. I wonder what happened.
Whoa nelly you might want to get a private room there buddy.
No one says Whoa Nelly anymore. Except 80 year old sports announcers.
Holy Mackerel, is that true?!
It’s balderdash.
Great Caesar’s ghost!
Heavens to Betsy! Forsooth! I knew not this fact.
I didn’t mean to cause such a kerfuffle please don’t pull out your shalalie and crown me over the noggin with it because I’ll get a shamus after you.
A KY guy should know about oral history, eh?
Time out, lil fox!!
Keith Jackson—sorry! I was headed off in a complete other direction. I should have known 😉
ADONAI- when was the last time you had an eye exam?
Maybe it’s the 80s hair, but looking at that, like objectively, not thinking about who it is… doesn’t do anything for me. I think she’s more attractive now, but its her politics, personality and wardrobe that’s a total turnoff.
I mean if she were drunk at a party, sure. But, the face is too round for her age there.
Different strokes.
Thanks Funk!
Just imagine if they had Facebook and Twitter in the days that photo was taken, what politically disqualifying material might have been out on the web.
And am I right that her t-shirt reads, “I may be stupid but I’m not that stupid.”
Reporter: But Governor Palin, are you ready to be President and leader of the free world?
Palin: “Totally. I will totally lead the world. Any world. I will lead Mars or whatever too if those guys need a world president. Or just a Mars president. I took on the ole’ boys club in Alaska and I can take it on in Mars.”×387823
When asked what Palin would do about the debt ceiling, she responded that she would use one of those long paint rollers and a drop cloth.
u r on a roll today! 😆
She makes it so easy. Thanks Escrib!
That’s a good one.
I could tell right off SP didn’t really write these emails %<) – too much truthiness. I plan to let those that have time to be bored out of their minds read the 24,000. I don't want to waste that much time on her. I get angry at myself when I even comment on an article about her. But it seems I just can't help myself. See, here I am.
I’m with you, that’s the point of the parody really, all the hype about this is just more Palin promotion. This is more a critique on all of that so you don’t really have to count your comment as feeding into the Palin PR machine.
I knew it because too many words were spelled correctly 🙂
Damn my English teachers! They’ve ruined me for a career in politics! Bastards!
Hire a staffer from Palin!
I’m sure their English teachers didn’t affect them! 😉
Good stuff AdLib. These e-mails are far more interesting than the ones I’ve been reading about all day.
Thanks AD. Yep, haven’t heard of anything earth shattering yet and as hard as the state fought to keep them private, I have a sneaking suspicion that anything problematic might not be in this batch.
2X on that sentiment. I’ll wait until everyone reads them and they find something more juicy. So far they sound like standard politico emails to me. You can always tell when there is not much in there when some one has to explain why they are “bad”.
Does it scare you (or the Missus) just a tiny bit that you are able to channel her so perfectly, AdLib?
I mean, this is almost eerie. You’ve totally captured her essence!
Thanks for a great and much-needed laugh.
I guess I have a little Palin in me…I knew I should have taken the full prescription of antibiotics!
Let’s hope you’re not developing a Dem-resistant strain of that nasty little bug.
Oh Lord kes!
You don’t think she has possessed AdLib, do you?? 😉
Don’t know how, I eat right and get plenty of exorcise.
Keep hangin around SP and you’re gonna need a monastery!
I’ve got a strong Constitution and the Palin bug only clings to the 2nd Amendment of it, not so hard to shake loose.
Great AdLib, I sent it to a few PlanetPOV twitter friends and a couple of ractions.
Very cool, Bito!!! Thanks and thank them for their kind words.
Couple more:
Check the widget, I’ll put them up there.
I see them, cheers!
Pretty darn hilarious!
Thanks Jenuwin!!!
Hmmm – I smell a fix here…
I DO have to agree though = these are really funny and really capture Sarah’s style AND the inner working of her mind. Or whatever she’s using as a substitute.
Good laugh! Thank you!
My pleasure CL!
PMSL pure AdLib gold!
Heh! Thanks so much, pal!