In the midst of a harsh thunderstorm this weekend, I heard a violent crashing sound in my backyard. My golden retriever is a nasty drunk, had she been hitting the sauce again?
As I stepped outside, I squinted at this unearthly glow hovering three feet above my lawn. It was a vortex, not the kind you usually find in your backyard but one that appeared to be, and I was just guessing, temporal in nature, generated at the other end by some kind of quantum singularity. Or my neighbor may have had their Xmas lights out early, I wasn’t completely sure.
As I gazed at the vortex, mesmerized by its swirling energy streams of every color and some new ones I’d never seen before (peppermint/mauve argyle?), something sparked as it launched out of the center of the vortex and landed on the grass.
With a crack of thunder and a burst of bright, white light, the vortex had vanished. Laying on the grass, what had emerged from the vortex, was a slightly futuristic iPad.
After a tug of war with my drunken golden retriever (and ducking a beer bottle she threw at my head), I finally took possession of this iPad from the future.
I initially noticed it had the scent of peanut butter and jelly and concluded that in the future, iPads would become children’s toys. The information age and its resulting technological evolution would increase human intellectual development exponentially, children would become smarter at earlier ages and require greater educational tools and stimuli such as iPads.
Or some stupid five year old in the future just tossed his dad’s iPad into a bright glowing thingy in their backyard.
The screen of this futuristic iPad was frozen, I couldn’t operate anything on it (the Scratch Your Ass button was intriguing) but displayed on the screen was the front page of “WalMart’s New York Times” dated “November 22, 2020” and the following stories appeared:
“Due to Terrorist with Fabric Explosives, TSA Defends Requirement for All Airline Passengers to Fly Naked.”
“President Palin Signs Executive Order Outlawing Gravity, Evolution and All Other ‘Lamestream’ Theories.”
“Ex-Senator Johanna Boehner Expresses No Regrets Over Sex Change, Claims She Cries Every Day in Joy.”
“The Wealthiest 1% in America Now Own 99% of Nation’s Wealth, Blame Tax Rate of 5% for Lack of Good Paying Jobs for Americans.”
“Justin Bieber – Where Is He Now and is he Still Dating That WWE Wrestler?”
“Glenn Beck Discusses Transition to Children’s Show Host, ‘What transition?!’, He Explains.”
“GOP’s Latest Attack on Jesus Since His Return, Claims That He is a Socialist and opposes American Values, Should Be Deported Since He Can’t Provide a Birth Certificate.”
“The FDA, Now a Subsidiary of Exxon, Declares Lead Paint As Nutritious Since it Contains Minerals.”
“Using New Laws On Marriage, Arianna Huffington Weds Herself.”
Don’t know if anyone else here has news from the future but if you do, please don’t hesitate to share it.
Got to get back to my golden retriever now, need to take her to AA (Animals Anonymous) to help her with her alcohol problem. She claims that like everything else, she can lick it.

Tea Party Fondly Remembered By 7 Remaining Members, “I Gess Stupid Jest Ain’t Kewl Ennymor!”
The worst part? Watching FOX!
Aha! Now we know where all the ratings for Glenn Beck are coming from. Drunken dogs. Why am I not surprised?
If you have to watch FOX, though, this is the condition in which to do it.
That reminds me of a tail about a group of Rottweilers drinking beer from Prairie Home Companion.
“‘Last Union Members Captured in Cleveland’ Announced by Secretary of Labor, Steve Forbes VI”
“Put on display at Cleveland Zoo’s ‘Last of Endangered Species’ Exhibit”?
“Manhunt now on for the remnants of middle-class”
“Middle class being defined as still having that jar of dimes on the shelf in the pantry.”
(“Hand over the dimes, ma’am, and nobody gets hurt. You know it’s illegal for the bottom 99.999% to possess money in TeaBagLand.”)
2020 Ohio Retirees No Longer Need to Move to Florida. Thanks to Global Warming, Florida Has Moved to Them
There is nor ever has been Global Warming or Climate Change.
Heck, I get in my car the Saturday before every Thanksgiving and drive. However, I haven’t quite figured out why the wife and me reach Florida in less time than year before. 😀
With warmer weather, out comes the Kool-Aide…and the Kool-Aide drinkers. Right, boomer? 🙂
“Great Lakes now GREATER!”
Just call us the Rustbelt Riviera, Patsy.
Global Warming Has Tourists Flocking to Buffalo and Cleveland! Balmy weather is sought by millions. Film at 11:00…
Suddenly those “farmer tans” (you know, the ones that involve white foreheads –(John Deere hat line, of course)– and upper arms?) are chic.
My reception wasn’t as good as yours, but I did catch something about Lebron James.
“Having played in the NBA, NFL, MLB and NHL, all without being on a championship team in any sport, Lebron announces to a record (low) audience on national television that he will be “taking my remaining talents” to the NASCAR circuit.”
Is my hair standing on end, do I need to brush it?
President “Palin” made me feel quite ill. 😯 The rest just made me laugh out loud. Thanks!
Hilarious! President Palin and Vice-President O’Donnell will… oh never mind!
…declare their undying love and fly off into the sunset together?
Mighty Scary Stuff AdLib ……
Can we set this to music? Yoo hooo Roy Zimmerman….
I feel for your doggy problem
Isn’t there a support group for families with this issue?
We have a Basset Hound that can’t live with out Four Loco
The real turning point for my dog was when she was picked up for DUI.
Driving and squirrels just don’t mix.
Hey that is a super nice ride for a doggy!
You can tell she has trouble on her mind.
They start out so innocent they just want a little taste…
How can you say no?
[img] [/img]
What a cutie — yours? Something tells me not, but had to ask just to make sure. 🙂
That dog was caught clubbing with Lindsay Lohan,
afterwards things weren’t so cute
And she was such a lovely dog when she was sober.
LOLOL Kalima !
You know Patsy, like the neighbour who has just gone on a murderous rampage, when asked the other neighbours always say, “He was such a nice, quiet guy.” That never fails to amuse me, even though there is nothing in the least amusing about it. I’m becoming quite warped in my middle years.
The early years…it starts out as as a small canine cocktail…[img][/img]
kes 😆 😆 😆
Then years later it’s “One free drink and she’s anybody’s. “
“The Days of Wine and Kibbles”…
Good evening/morning, dear Kalima!
“The Days of Whine and Wet Noses.”
Evening kes, I’m surviving the last day off with good grace. 😉
“Whine and Wet-noses”!! Much better!
And…sometimes a few hours “at the office” can be a good thing! For all concerned?? 😉
Did that missing “H” on your keyboard ever turn up? Hope you don’t find it in the litter box! 😆
It’s a dog”s world!
I found it, but it won’t stay stuck. Mac going for a ride to the Mac doctor this week, he’ll feel so much better when he’s complete again. I’m trying to avoid the wobbly key, but it’s ard work. 🙂
You’ll be wishing everyone appy olidays this year, if the Doc can’t get that fixed!
😆 It won’t be the first time, that’s how I speak when I’m sloshed anyway.
A little Smirnoff’s can release your inner ‘Liza Doolittle, eh?
That’s the time to break into song. “Just you wite, ‘enry ‘iggens!”
Priceless kes, I’ve almost ad my daily quota of larfs rigt ere on the Planet. 🙂
Oh and “Sneeritoff” can do quite a bit more than release my “inner” Liza, but I won’t go into that ere. 😉
Then — before you know it —
LOL! She’s drinking my brand. Sneeritoff!
Na zdarovie!
(Wouldn’t let me post the Russian! Cyrillic alphabet comes out as “???????!”) 😀
I had the same with my upside down text the other day. Meanies!!
Whoa that one is starting young!
Shouldn’t it be holding a bottle of J
Might have to change that to “Prost” then….
Do I need to report you to the CA Chapter of the ASPCA? Jeeze big guy…thought you knew better! Way too many animal lubbers on this Planet — don’t mess wid us!
Oh, AdLib – the heartbreak of it all! We feel your pain!
Patsy – does that make you and BassetDad related? Is there something we need to know about the persistance of Basset Hounds on the Planet?
No, not related but judging by his name I think he may have a Basset.
So maybe his basset is related to our basset.