
Comments Posted By sherrybb

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The Case Against Democrats Supporting Hillary Clinton (Yet)

I will be supporting ANY Democrat candidate( even a flawed one) over ANY of the GOP clown car candidates for several reasons: The Supreme Court nominees the new President will likely choose, the policies the Dems favor vs the R’s and of course, the R’s would undo pretty much all of O’s policies.

That said HRC is not like most candidates. She and her husband have been vetted for over 20 yrs and although accusations run amok, there is no evidence anywhere. Even this latest, the author of Clinton Cash himself admits he found no illegal actions, no quid pro quo and even the big Canadian donation turns out to be a yr before HRC became SOS and 9 agencies were involved in the deal resulting in Uranian 1 to the Russians. Unless something comes out that is real, it is all smack talk as usual and reeks of desperation of a party determined to get HRC to drop out.

My preference would be that they refuse all foreign donations although the 6 countries they accept them from do not seem terribly risky, if at all. I would also prefer HRC resign from the foundation.

That said, we need to support whoever our nominee is…the damage the R’s can do is scary to even think about.

» Posted By sherrybb On April 27, 2015 @ 12:34 pm

Texas GOP Say “NO” To Reinstating Sodomy Law Without Changing Their Minds

yet, the truth is, those qualities would make you the best candidate. You are not so locked into an ideology that you are blind, you call it like it is, instead of hem and haw and try to see which way the political winds are blowing. Imagine what our politicians could do if they could all set down their blind partisanship and simply do the thing that was best for the country. Not sure we ever had the majority of them doing that, but there were days when we had some doing that!

ah, we can dream.

» Posted By sherrybb On June 26, 2014 @ 9:10 am

Dang it, Cindy- why can’t you run for office? You always have been what i call ” one of the sane Republicans. ” there probably are more of you than we know. How do you deal with it when you are voting? Do you just go with the fiscal issues and ignore the other stuff you disagree with? ( not asking that sarcastically ok? ) I mean, I suspect you even believe that compromise is not a swear word? 🙂

» Posted By sherrybb On June 25, 2014 @ 8:13 pm

“I Get Bergdahl- Been There.” Words From A Young Iraq/Afghan Vet

It has been so heartbreaking to read stories like this, but also to see all the venom directed towards an obviously troubled young man, all from those who have never set foot for one second in the military. We can not possibly know what those men and women went through and are still going through, yet the judgement is so free. My brother in law has never been the same- to this day, he still hits the ground in terror with a car backfiring.

thanks for bringing this story to where it belongs. Maybe somebody on Daily Caller can read it.

» Posted By sherrybb On June 21, 2014 @ 8:19 pm

“At Last!”: How HP Continues to Cultivate Cynicism

Don’t forget too that Al Franken did not get sworn in til July as there was a dispute over that election….and Teddy Kennedy died in august. 2 whole years is completely a myth. IMO, most media are terrified of being labeled as in the tank for the liberals so they do not do their jobs. They say a bill failed to pass, instead of saying we did not even get to vote on it because the minority blocked a vote!.

» Posted By sherrybb On June 21, 2014 @ 8:24 pm

The Bush Legacy 2.0: The Dissolving of Iraq Into Warring Factions

I do think it fair to say that both Repubs and Dems got it wrong on Iraq the first time. We can argue all we want about why they got it wrong. I prefer to focus on now…..and forget the past. Can we accomplish anything by going in again? Personally, i don’t believe that the Middle East will EVER be stable….centuries of violence and unrest and IMO, that is not ever going to change. There is a reason that the elder Bush avoided an all out war. I do wonder though, why we would ever listen to the neocons now…they got just about every single thing wrong about the war and their thinking does not seem to have evolved a bit.

» Posted By sherrybb On June 15, 2014 @ 5:12 pm

An Open Letter To Any And All “Conservatives”

I like some of those tax ideas, but don’t think we can ever sell it. BOTH parties are owned by these special interest groups. Mortgage companies would have a hissy fit and so would those with mortgages. Now I could see a compromise on that….say up to x amount of dollars for a 1st mortgage and none for a second. That’s the problem though..everyone thinks we should make changes to the tax code, but no one want to give up the things they like! Course if your tax rate went from 25 percent down to 12, might be easier to give things up.

Who do you think would struggle the most with accepting a new system of taxes….the poor, middle class, or the rich?

» Posted By sherrybb On June 10, 2014 @ 11:30 pm

Totally agree. Sometimes it took us a while to get there, and as you said elsewhere…it sure helps by not starting out by calling the other person stupid or worse. And i cringe when my side does that..i mean like it helps???

When those of us who have strong beliefs that are pretty much opposite, i think we should try to understand that side. It’s not as hard for me because i grew up with a Republican family. ( my poor dad was mortified that he lost me to the Dems) But knowing people who are Republicans who are good decent people makes me know that they are not evil mean spirited folks who only care about $ and taking away things from the poor. 🙂 PLus i have also discovered that if folks like you and me…who disagree on many issues….but can talk respectfully, why the heck can’t our politicians?? Remember when they worked together? That really was not all that long ago. …although the older i get, time does seem to just fly by.

talk with you later. Glad to meet up again.

» Posted By sherrybb On June 10, 2014 @ 11:19 pm

Jack….i think what you said about conservatives has some validity to it. but surely you are not going to contend that all conservatives simply are opposed to O’s ideas? They are pretty easy to tell…..when they call him the Muslim, Kenyan, Marxist, Communist, socialist ( or whatever the flavor of the day is ) , they are rarely talking issues. When the attack his use of the teleprompter, his effort to destroy America blah blah blah…it’s not issues. When they vote against bills they sponsored, it might not be hate..maybe just politics, but politics has sure become hateful, hasn’t it?

» Posted By sherrybb On June 10, 2014 @ 2:56 pm

Ah, glad i found out where you are, cindibru…one of the conservatives i miss from Huffpo…sane, even pragmatic, and not full of hate. Once in a while, you have even changed my mind on things. ( not a lot…so don’t get too cocky. 🙂

Hope to discuss more issues with you. I grew up in a Republican family…almost all still are so i am one who does know that the sane conservatives do exist. We need to talk with each other, not hurl ridiculous insults. Looking forward to more chats.

» Posted By sherrybb On June 10, 2014 @ 2:42 pm

Huffington Post Finalizes Its Divorce From Its Bloggers

well,hoping to find a new home here…was happy at HP for some time and did really enjoy the back and forth with some of the more sane conservatives. Hope they are here too…it’s how we learn by continuing to talk with each other. Did notice over the past few days how much extra time i had though….not checking my responses and responding back. ah, who needs extra time?

» Posted By sherrybb On June 10, 2014 @ 12:27 pm

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