
Comments Posted By glenn

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Racism is Strong in the U.S. And Tim Scott Is Lying About It

I hate to state the obvious but since Scott is a Republican, they all lie about something. Some of them lie about everything. Now after stating that I want to commend you on your well thought out and well said article. I love the way you spelled out each way that the United States is still a racist country. And I am with you, I find it very discouraging that the US is still a racist country. I thought we were making progress in the 60s but it seems like that progress has been reversed. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t think we erased racism in the 60s. But I did think we were making progress. But since I’m a white person I may have seen it from wholly different place than you.And I am with you, I find it very discouraging that the US is still a racist country. I thought we were making progress in the 60s but it seems like that progress has been reversed.

TW, thank you for writing such interesting and factual articles. Hope to see you on Vox soon.

» Posted By glenn On August 31, 2023 @ 10:48 am

Payton Gendron Deserves The Death Penalty

Hi Twilson

This is the dilemma that we face—basically to kill or not to kill. Payton Gendron decided absolutely to kill people. And I agree with you. I don’t think he has 1 ounce of remorse. I also agree with your statement that calling what he did is a mistake is a slap in the face to the victims families. The dilemma that I still face is do we kill to avoid killing? That if you kill someone you will face the death penalty. I think that Payton Gendron should spend the rest of his life in jail. But I also have a deep down gut reaction that he should be put to death. So I respect your reasons for the death penalty in this case. And maybe that’s the way it should be. That’s a death penalty should not be used in every case but only in extreme cases. One thing is for certain in my mind is that Payton Gendron should never again be a freeman.

Thanks for writing an article that makes one think. Hope to chat with you tomorrow night. Take care.

» Posted By glenn On February 23, 2023 @ 10:42 am

Religion, Kept Me from Voting!

very much. Your thoughtfulness relating to your ancestors/peers was impressive. Let your voice be heard!

» Posted By glenn On January 19, 2023 @ 2:30 pm

Hi Twilson. Sorry it took me so long to read your article, but I enjoyed it ve

» Posted By glenn On January 19, 2023 @ 2:28 pm

Republicans Break Laws to Stop Impeachment Hearings From Investigating Lawbreaking

Great post, Ad. Best line ever: “The Republican party has been hollowed out like a Jack O’Lantern and the leering face carved into it is that of Donald J. Trump.”

Dems need to make sure that this political stunt today does not go unpunished. I cannot believe how low repubs are willing to go to protect a treasonous, lying bully! The people in Congress are supposed to be the leaders of our country, yet these cretinous cowards have no leadership, no morality, no shame, no understanding, nor any loyalty to our Constitution.

We must never forget, nor let the Republican party and its followers forget, how willing they are and were to not just overlook, but actually defend treason, corruption, and criminality.

» Posted By glenn On October 23, 2019 @ 5:42 pm

Stop, Thief!!! The Importance Of The Emoluments Clause

Hey Steppenwolf–check out the TLB’s (Treasonous Lying Bully) twitter account tonight. He’s no longer holding the G7 at the Doral. Even though, according to his tweet(s), it was going to be at “no cost to American taxpayers”, he’s just so upset that people are “going crazy” that he’s just not going to do this great thing for the US. Isn’t he a good and benevolent leader?/s/

» Posted By glenn On October 19, 2019 @ 8:22 pm

The False Narrative That Progressives are “Far Left”

As usual, Ad, great article, especially your concluding sentences. I think you’ve hit on something there regarding labels. Democrats running for office should begin their speeches policy positions with those or similar words.

In fact, they should begin their speeches showing that the policies are a REFLECTION of most Americans’ beliefs, rather than something that Americans have to be persuaded to believe.

Dems should begin their speeches with those statistics, and go on to tell voters what specific policies will address those beliefs. As politicians are being interviewed by the so-called “liberal media”, they should make sure that these statistics and policy positions are being highlighted. Yes, they are going to have to answer the stupid questions such as, “Do you eat fried chicken with your hands or with a fork?”, but hold the media accountable too. Make the media at least repeat their policy positions once in a while, rather than their so-called gaffes.

That being said, I have no hope that this will happen often, due to the fact that the above question about fried chicken was plastered all over the liberal sites this morning.

Dems definitely need to get better with messaging, and the first step is to keep citing those statistics in your article.

» Posted By glenn On February 13, 2019 @ 8:05 am

A Thanksgiving Tradition – 2018

Happy Thanksgiving, Ad.

I’m thankful for my wonderful family, my friends, and for my (as you say) second family of Planeteers.

I’m also thankful I’m not a republican.

» Posted By glenn On November 22, 2018 @ 4:04 pm

Donald Trump is Very Afraid of You…If You’re Voting

See you tonight, Ad. Hopefully, we can celebrate a blue tsunami!

» Posted By glenn On November 6, 2018 @ 11:23 am

Ad–as you know, I am “cautiously optimistic” about Dem chances in this election. I am also “cautiously optimistic” that if Dems do win, they will actually “burn the house down” with charges against the lying bully sitting in the oval office. Or, will they let it go like they did with gwb in 2008? If they do win, and they do bring charges, I hope they don’t overreach, either. They need to bring specific charges, one at a time, and keep the lying bully against the ropes until they get the final knockout.

In the meantime, what time is tonight’s live blog?

» Posted By glenn On November 6, 2018 @ 7:23 am

The Trump Policy of Separating Republicans From Their Humanity

Great article, Ad.

It just boils down to there is a difference between the two parties. Dems see the humans involved; repubs see the laws. Hence, “we are only following the law”. Which, of course, we (repubs) didn’t write; we’re just following it.

The day that we as a nation don’t see the humans behind the laws we pass is the day we have lost our right to have human rights. We are quickly becoming mired in that mud, because, as of today, we have withdrawn from the UN Human Rights Council. Think of that…the United States of America has withdrawn from the UN Human Rights Council.

The congress critters enabling this lying piece of scum in the oval office need to be hung from their sycophantic asses.

» Posted By glenn On June 19, 2018 @ 2:33 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Video and Photos from The March For Our Lives in Los Angeles

Well done, Ad. So good to see such a great crowd.

» Posted By glenn On March 24, 2018 @ 6:16 pm

The Top Five Questions The Media Needs to Stop Asking About Trump

“If he lost, Trump would probably fire him though.”

LOL, Ad!

» Posted By glenn On February 15, 2018 @ 11:06 am

Love your last sentence, Ad. I really hope that’s what Mueller is waiting for, although I’m worried as to how much damage trump can do to our democracy in the meantime.

» Posted By glenn On February 14, 2018 @ 11:01 pm

Ad–Loved your article and your reply to Murph. I would like to add one more question to those the media should stop asking about trump, and you actually revealed it in your last sentence of your reply to Murph. We should all stop asking, “Is this the scandal that will finally bring trump down?” Because, IMO, until we get either Mueller’s indictments or a Democratic Congress, nothing will bring him down. Maybe he will lose some support, but it seems to me, that whenever people try to bring trump to sanity, or to ask, “Is this finally his undoing?” his supporters double down on their support. This vile man will never lose his core supporters, IMO. However, chip, chipping away at any of his support is a good thing.

The other good news is that some republicans in Congress are finally waking up, mostly those who aren’t running again, such as Howdy Gowdy, who has opened hearings on Porter’s security clearance.…/gowdy-opens-congressional-probe-of-trump-ex-aide-s

I do think that this will be another whitewash and trump and his cronies will be excused because they have no government experience. But it IS a beginning.

» Posted By glenn On February 14, 2018 @ 11:37 am

DNC Convention Thread – Sanity Strikes Back!

After listening to President Obama’s speech, I have one thing to say, and then I’m going to bed!

I would rather be led by hope than ruled by fear!



» Posted By glenn On July 27, 2016 @ 9:05 pm

I’m actually learning a lot about Hillary’s early life. All I’ve ever heard is how she was a “Goldwater Girl”, and here is Bill pointing out some of the other things she’s done, many of which I didn’t know. I’ll wait for the fact checkers to tell me how much of it is true!

» Posted By glenn On July 26, 2016 @ 7:43 pm

Oh my, here comes Bubba!

» Posted By glenn On July 26, 2016 @ 7:11 pm

Yes, he is, but he still had me worried for a while. Much better at the end, with the specifics and saying what HRC will do.

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 8:23 pm

Now, we’re getting somewhere. “Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States!” Bernie bros can go to hell!

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 8:22 pm

That’s what I though at first, however, he’s now getting into specifics and talking about what HRC will do, which are the same things he’s been talking about. I’m feeling much better, especially since he’s getting really specific.

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 8:16 pm

Now, we’re getting somewhere. “Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States!” Bernie bros can go to hell!

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 8:06 pm

Whew, he’s getting better, but I still haven’t heard a ringing endorsement of HRC.

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 8:03 pm

Love it–a rottweiller with lipstick!

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 7:58 pm

Is Bernie pulling a double cross?

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 7:56 pm

Followed by another class act–Elizabeth Warren!I just love the way she tears into trump!

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 7:36 pm

And now, FLOTUS is being FLOTUS–the best!

» Posted By glenn On July 25, 2016 @ 7:15 pm

A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit of That

I second all of monicaangela’s reply.

A few other thoughts:

“Our brothers and sisters need our voices, our support, our love. Not to mention our righteous indignation at the consistently poor policies designed to keep them poor, uneducated and having to exist in the unrecognized dual market system.”

I’d like to add Larry Wilmore’s quote from last night to that. IMO, it is the best quote EVER regarding race relations.

He asked why whites always expected blacks to “heal the racial divide,” since racism was created by and benefits white people at the expense of black people.

This is the best question ever asked! He went on:

“How do you think the racial divide started?” Wilmore said. “We didn’t enslave ourselves or come up with Jim Crow so we could live on the margins of society. Did you think lynching was a ‘prank’ we came up with that just got out of control? That’s what caused the racial divide, so why is it up to us to begin to heal it?”

“You had 43 presidents who had a chance to clean up that mess,” he continued. “Now there’s a brother in the White House and you’re handing him a mop? You can kiss my black ass. Now that’s ‘real black.’”

And…telling murdick to “kiss his black ass” just put the icing on the cake, so to speak!

The chart you posted at the beginning is awesome. Is that your creation? Do you mind if I share it on my Facebook page?

Hope to chat with you tonight on VOX, SLM.

» Posted By glenn On October 9, 2015 @ 1:15 pm

The Worst Defeat for the GOP Could Come if SCOTUS Hands Them a Win Against Obamacare

But, Ad, the GOP already has a plan to blame PBO if the Supreme Court rules in their favor. They are going to pass an extension of the subsidies until 2017 to force PBO to veto the bill so they can say, “See the President doesn’t want you to have subsidies.” Even though their lawsuit is the one that took away the subsidies in the first place. However, teddycruz may shut down the government over this, because he is against Obamacare any way, any how, so if his “fellow” repubs/tpartiers vote to extend the subsidies, cruz will do his best to make sure that particular bill comes crashing to a halt. Which, of course, then leaves the repubs to blame the tpartiers or cruz….nah that will never happen. It will still be PBO’s fault for passing such a “flawed” law in the first place.

Ya’ know, republican logic. It’s perfectly “clear” to me, isn’t it to you?

The saddest part is that too many people will “follow” that “logic”.

» Posted By glenn On June 12, 2015 @ 11:20 am

Hate Crime or Not? You Tell Me

You’re right KT–these Senators are indeed an embarrassment to our nation. It’s good to see that the foreign minister of Iran recognizes the letter for what it is–propaganda!

There is also an online petition to sign asking that treason charges be brought against these senators. If not, treason, that they be prosecuted under the Logan Act. I’m not good with links, and as I’m typing this, can’t find it anyway, but if you just google on-line petition for Iran letter, I’m sure you’ll find it.

» Posted By glenn On March 10, 2015 @ 1:53 pm

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