
Comments Posted By confuseddemocrat

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47 GOP Senators Write Love Letter to Ares, God of War

Great Comment AdLib, I don’t think Americans realize how badly these neocons want to go to war with Iran. Did anyone read that crazy column by Joshua Muravchik in the Washington Post? He stated war with Iran is the Only viable option.

Muravchik claims the bombing won’t have much repercussion and that it will embolden Iranians to overthrow their government and welcome our bombing

He further states that there may be some retaliation but we can handle it with more bombs and ground troops if necessary.

The cat is out of the bag. They are going after war with Iran. Have you noticed that GOP is no longer talking about ISIS as the existential threat?

And of course none of these neocons are discussing how they will pay for this war. We don’t have enough billions for food stamp but we have trillions for a war? And how will China react to news that its oil supply is about to be cut off by US intervention? Will China be willing to finance our new war while we wreck their economy by causing surges in oil prices?

None of these situations matter……….it all about chicken hawk neocons providing more no-bid contracts to their friends in the defense industry.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On March 17, 2015 @ 4:13 am

The Grand Old Party of Sedition

Hello sillylittleme, Unfortunately the reports of their impending demise is very premature. They are continuously coming up with new ways to seize power.

In Virginia, one of the legislators tried to construct a bill that would put stringent guidelines on serving as a member of the jury. And of course, he then added a codicil that only people eligible for serving on a jury (based on these new guidelines) would be eligible to become a registered voter.

This is the new strategy, since voter ID laws will not be enough.

These types of ploys will ensure the purging of voter rolls so that they can withstand demographic changes of 2020……… we need to remain vigilant.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On March 11, 2015 @ 5:54 am

Hi Kessmarn, Historians will refer to this as the resurgence of know-nothing and the gilded age.

They may very well point to 2014 or 2010 as the start of the decline of the US democratic system.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On March 11, 2015 @ 5:48 am

Hi Killgore, It is definitely sedition. Could you imagine what would happen if democratic senators did this to a republican president. At the very least impeachment proceedings would be initiated and they would be removed from office via recall or at the next election.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On March 11, 2015 @ 5:46 am

Hello Nirek, not only does it hurt the US, but it undermines the US’ credibility among both friend and foe. Russia and China will then remove sanctions. Iran will become embolden to build faster.

And of course GOP backers (AIPAC, Oil companies, Defense contractors ) will profit from the chaos caused by destabilization of the region.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On March 11, 2015 @ 5:44 am

Hello UncleB thanks for your comments. The Rubes that constitute the GOP base don’t even realize they are being played. The more I think about it, the more I realize this is a huge economic incentive to scuttle the Iranian deal.

Cotton and GOP want a war with Iran. And it is about increasing defense spending and it is about Oil. Cotton is scheduled to meet with defense contractors. And we know that defense stocks and oil prices will soar with rumors of wars.

If Iran is attacked, it will threaten the strait of Hormuz which will lead to even more soaring Oil prices. The soaring oil prices will help the faltering shales oil industry which is now not very profitable given the fall in the prices of barrels.

It is a win-win for all the GOP backers, AIPAC gets the US to fight its proxy war, the defense contractors get new no-bid contracts and the shale oil industry makes a killing on rising oil prices.

Lastly, the 1Trillion+ war-debt that will accumulate will then be used to go after social programs (particularly medicare, ACA and SS)

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On March 11, 2015 @ 5:39 am

thank you for Fergie1 for your comments. But there will be no repercussions. The rabid TPer base will support this action. In fact Cotton may now become a GOP prez contender because he stood up to Obama. The mere fact Jindal and Perry almost broke their necks trying to put their signatures on the letter tells us that there is political and financial advantage within GOP circles.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On March 11, 2015 @ 5:29 am

Note to Police, Their Unions and The GOP: Blaming All Black People and Their Supporters for a Murder is Racist

RSG, your comment “Now the GOP and police thinks police and GOP politicians are above the law”…perfectly describes a fascist state.

We have to admit, we are becoming an authoritarian or dare I say a “fascist apartheid-like state”

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On December 24, 2014 @ 4:36 am

AdLib, Bravo……your article should be featured on the editorial pages of NYTimes, WaPo and on every newspaper and newscast in the country. If Huffpo was a real place for discussion, your article would be comment of the year.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On December 24, 2014 @ 4:31 am

A Bit of History: Cuba and the USA

hopefully he will be out in the next cycle

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On December 20, 2014 @ 4:18 am

I never understood how the old Cuban exiles have been able to fool Americans. As you stated Fulgencio Batista was a dictator who suspended all civil liberties and suppressed the people. Indeed, under his regime Cubans; particularly Cubans with “African features” were denigrated. In fact, Cruz’s father’s behavior; particularly his not so veiled racism towards the Prez, is emblematic of that generation and how it felt about the majority of Cubans.

Those who fled Castro were part of the Batista’s corrupt authoritarian regime that exploited and abused poor cubans in despicable ways. They were happy with American corporations and Americans treating Cuba like a low-class brothel and they profited greatly from this arrangement.

These people were hardly freedom fighters or pro-democracy heroes. They were banana-republicans who were angry that their gravy train ended.

Had the Bay of Pigs been successful, they would have installed another Caribbean-south american fascist state replete with Death Squads (as in Nicaragua, Argentina, Bolivia and Chile). But I guess they would have been our human-right violating “anti-communist” criminals and thus everything would have been fine………..

The present Cuban government is no worse than Russia and China. And we can definitely make a legitimate claim that it is certainly better than the governments of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. It is time to normalize relations.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On December 20, 2014 @ 4:16 am

Why Tuesday Went So Badly for Dems

Dear Naxos, I answer your questions with the following questions.

How many Presidents have been elected since the founding of this nation? How many were white and how many were black?

Since Blacks have gain the right to vote, how many black presidents have they voted for? And how many white presidents had black support?

Why did it take over 200 years for white Americans to vote for a black president?

Now what was this allegation again that blacks voted for Obama solely because he was black?

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On November 7, 2014 @ 12:41 pm

JOIN THE LIVE CHAT TONIGHT! Election Night 2014!!!

Clearly there is something wrong with the democratic message.

When you have blue states like Maryland, Ill, Conn, Mass on the way to electing GOPers and blue stalwarts re-electing GOPers who have not significantly improved our economy, then you know democrats have a problem.

And the problem is messaging. It is a lack of a populist economic message that can be delivered with conviction by democratic candidates.

Waiting for changing demographics is a quixotic quest. This treats minority voters as a monolithic group and is in many ways insulting because it essentially takes them for granted and keeps democrats from actually developing an appealing platform that inspires Americans of different stripes.

Moreover, the meme of changing demographics is actually creating a white blue collar backlash.

If democrats want to win, they will need to start at the grassroots with a populist message

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On November 4, 2014 @ 9:34 pm

The Police States of America

monicaangela: Actually this is what happens when we disproportionately spend money for “security” at the expense of other intervention strategies and social programs

We get a police state that is the envy of every two-bit third world dictator

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On August 14, 2014 @ 10:59 am

Sabreen60: great comment

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On August 13, 2014 @ 9:43 pm

I am watching MSNBC in utter amazement. The reporters are essentially saying that the police are really instigating this “rioting”. The reporters are all talking about the police bullying them and intimidating them and in one case trumping up charges and deliberately firing tear gas at the reporters.

This seems to be a tactic whereby the police are deliberately using tear gas and implying that there is rioting to create a counter-narrative whereby the fugerson police is deemed to be under seige by the black residents. This will justify heavy their handed-police state strategies as describe in Adlib’s article.

Moreover, They are trying to create sympathy among conservative news outlets, blogs and followers and stoke racial fears. Also they are trying to create powerful visual images where residents are portrayed as violent prone.

This will poison potential jurors (outside of Ferguson) since it is almost certain that should a trial of the officer be warranted, the officers’ lawyers will push for a change of venue (away from Ferguson which is 70% black) as well as distract from abuses of this police department.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On August 13, 2014 @ 9:00 pm

Great article AdLib,

The libertarians and GOPers advocate that we only spend money for law enforcement and for the military. This policy has been enabled by the clitonistas and neoliberals.

The trend has been escalated by 911 and by the push of the defense industry to sell military surplus to police departments under the guise of helping cops fight terrorism

The police now have a vested interest in using the military gear and tactics to justify getting more grants and more funding to buy more military wares. Minority communities represent the perfect venue to try out tactics and to demonstrate use and “need”.

The net result is indeed a police state particularly in minority communities. In the short term, many in the majority culture don’t seem to have a problem with the heavy-handed approach because they think a lot of minorities are violent.

However, those who advocate these policies will eventually find that these tactics will eventually spread to their communities and then we will have establish a full-blown totalitarian police state.

Remember the patriot act was only to spy on terrorists…….but it has opened the door to the government gathering invading our privacy (4th amendment rights) without warrants

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On August 13, 2014 @ 5:35 pm

GOP Rep. Fights Against “War on Whites”

actually, he is trying the old true and successful political tactics, scapegoat a minority (latinos)and blame them for the nation’s plights. The other ugly message is: “this is what happens when you elect one of “them”, they will make harder for you “whites” to survive”.

That is why they are trying so hard to link Obama to illegal immigration or to claim he is inviting them in.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On August 5, 2014 @ 7:26 am

I hope you are right monicaangela. But there is so much fear and uncertainty in the electorate. And the gop is exploiting that. If you notice they are now trying to disguise their anti-latino diatribe by claiming they are trying to kick out those people who are taking 8 millions jobs away from “americans”.

In economically stressed blue collar areas, that trash talk may resonate.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On August 5, 2014 @ 7:21 am

Well done AdLib.
The GOP is fast becoming the American Apartheid party. And though we Democrats like to think that they will be annihilated demographically, the reality is that they have much more resources and are more centrally organized.

Moreover, the GOP base is more aggressive and will remain so because it views itself as being on the brink of losing racial, economic, cultural and numerical domination. In short, its existence is on the line, and when you are trying to survive, you will do anything (even immoral acts).

So like the Apartheid Party, they will enact state laws which slowly take away rights from those who they deem to be their enemies…and that in turn will affect national laws. And given the current make up the right wing dominated SCOTUS which has subtly and not so subtly stated through its actions that its goal is to enable the GOP power grab, the GOP is far from dead……..

They have simply entered a new phase. We shouldn’t be surprised that this guy is blatant. Phyllis schafly and pat buchanan and others have been stating for months after 2012, that the GOP needed to appeal to white voters. The outreach musings was a shield to provide plausible deniability.

Because there is some concern about the senate staying blue, they are now doubling down on their racist appeals . No more curt dog-whistles. The GOP over the last few weeks have declared themselves (loudly and resoundingly) the American White People Party.

We need to recognize how powerful fear is and that this new tactic may be distressingly successful and thus will allow them to stave off demographic shifts for at least another decade or so

If you think not, then my liberal friends; you have forgotten history. We should ask ourselves

“why did horrendously poor white men willingly go off to die to protect slavery, an economic system that kept them in abject poverty while providing wealth to a few plantation owners?”

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On August 5, 2014 @ 7:15 am

Why Democrats Lag Behind Despite Growing Population Advantages

Hello AdLib, I agree that extreme gerrymandering and voter ID laws are indeed hampering the democratic base. I think the democrats are also suffering from the fear of being dominated by the PACs. But our messaging is horrendous.

The struggling state economies under GOP control should be leading to low approval ratings of the GOP at the statewide offices (governors, district attorneys, state senators). These offices are not subject to gerrymandering.

Wisconsin’s economy is bad when compared with neighboring states, New Jersey’s economy is also in ridiculous shape. Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio are among the states at the bottom of the rankings in economic performance, yet their GOP governors will probably win re-election. This is crazy. So for some reason, democrats are not connecting with the electorate.

Our candidates do need to tout some of the national economic accomplishments including some healthcare benefits, but we also need to focus more on an economic plan and local bread and butter issues. Why a transportation bill is not on the lips of every democratic politician is beyond me. People can understand intuitively the economic and infrastructure impact of a transportation bill.

We need a populist message and economic plan…and we need it fast

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On July 8, 2014 @ 2:17 am

Hello Murph, this is where we differ. I understand about the need for healthcare. But in 2009, the first priority for most was the economy. During that six month period, Democrats should have rammed through a bigger stimulus and a huge infrastructure/transportation bill. I remember early in the his presidency, Obama was asked what was his #1 focus. He said healthcare then caught himself and said “and of course we have to do something about the economy.”

The myth of 2010 is that progressives stayed home because of the public option. No, I have always contended that the fixation on healthcare while Unemployment was rising exponentially among the young, Blacks, Latinos and working class whites is what led to the apathy and disappointment. People saw their neighbors lose houses and jobs. People’s equity (which was the wealth) disappeared as well as their plans/ abilities to finance their kids’ education dissipated overnight. Those lucky to have a job, realized they would not be able to retire as planned. And Democrats argued and haggled about the public option while lives were crumbling.

I knew we were in trouble in 2010 when someone on my “working class” street said, “they are arguing about healthcare when all I want and need is a job. If I had a job I could buy my own healthcare”

And this has always been the disconnect…..we democrats thought healthcare was more important than jobs. And if not, that was how it was conveyed. And given the fleeting mention of a jobs bill every few months rather than consistent drum beating as well as our fixation on healthcare to this day……we still don’t understand what is really worrying folks.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On July 8, 2014 @ 1:45 am

Republicans to Sue Obama For Not Being Republican

interesting post murph… you think gohmert, king or cruz won’t be jump of the chance at suing?

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 30, 2014 @ 5:37 am

Thanx sillylittleme, You may be right. But I am sure they will try to expedite this entire process to get it to the supreme court within a year.

I think they already have the lawsuit prepared so it won’t take as long as you think. Boehner announcement was a trial balloon to see how the media and the electorate(polls) would react. SO far there has been no true outrage or pushback. I hope that will change and this stunt will backfire by awaking the sleeping giant democratic base

Besides they just need one court to agree with them in order to start the articles (regardless of the appeal process)

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 27, 2014 @ 7:20 am

Hey Murph and PVers, My question is: Will the conservative supreme court go along with this farce and provide the GOP with the cover needed to impeach the president?

You know this lawsuit is going all the away up to SCOTUS……….

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 27, 2014 @ 5:27 am

Hello Monicaangelica, I think that the this will be the GOP modus operandi for all democratic presidents from now on. If they control the congress, they will either sue or impeach. The democratic base needs to understand that the GOP policy is to punish the country for electing a democrat.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 27, 2014 @ 5:21 am

So let me guess…………..A successful lawsuit would provide the republicans with the cover for the impeachment that they sorely want.

If some court agrees with them and says the Prez acted outside his powers (which would be spun as the president acted illegally), and the GOPers capture the senate, then GOPers can cite the court ruling that the president has failed to uphold his oath and then draft articles of impeachment.

And of course, since Hillary was part of the administration, she would be part of an “illegal enterprise”

This is about impeachment and the 2016 election.

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 27, 2014 @ 4:47 am

McDaniel Lost…The Shot Heard Around The World

Mopshell, you make a great observation. I think that some of the TPers will stay home. There is alot of anger among tpers in mississippi and nationally that Cochran relied on Black voters. They are treating it as if Cochran committed an unholy sin worthy of eternal damnation.

Also McDaniel is not going away. He announced yesterday that he found over a “1000 voting irregularities. He is going to challenge the election results by trying to invalidate all voting in black areas. That will antagonize black voters and inspire them to come out in force in the generals.

In fact the Mississippi primaries have allegedly inspired blacks who are marginalized in other southern states to vote in the open primaries in order to stop TP-candidates.

This midterm is getting interesting…………..

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 29, 2014 @ 4:37 pm

thank you, Nirek. I enjoy reading your posts, big fan

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 27, 2014 @ 5:23 am

And what has been shameful is how some GOPers on the TV have not called out McDaniel on his dirty tricks and his racial and misogynistic behavior. They are more outrage over democrats voting for Cochran than McDaniel’s sleazy behavior.

This party is warped………

I know it is taboo to compare anything to the happenings of 1930s Germany. However in reality if you read about the tactics used by the national socialist party, one would see that there is strong similarities between the behaviors of the fascists and the GOP from propaganda, to scapegoating, to marginalization, to the creation of a pseudo religion. In the 30s it was based on the old Teutonic myths while in the 2010s, it is the bastardization of Christianity (essentially Christian Identity).

» Posted By confuseddemocrat On June 27, 2014 @ 5:09 am

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