
Comments Posted By 2belinda

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The Media Empire Strikes Back (with post-election memes)!

It was the notion of …”all things done in the dark, soon come to light” movement. People were defiant and determined that they were not going to allow a person, place or thing to stop them from voting and that was the blow back the Republicans didn’t count on.

The positive absolutely overwhelmed all the negative energy and good triumphed over evil.

» Posted By 2belinda On November 7, 2012 @ 3:31 pm

Thank you CL and AdLib, Wouldn’t it be lovely?. A much needed time out for our heads. A pause that refreshes…

» Posted By 2belinda On November 7, 2012 @ 3:21 pm

We need a MSM holiday like a bank holiday. Silence. No comment TV kind of action.

» Posted By 2belinda On November 7, 2012 @ 12:44 pm

Election Day 2012 – Open Thread Today – Live Chat Tonight!

We continue our forward motion – thank you one and all. (Whew)

» Posted By 2belinda On November 6, 2012 @ 9:17 pm

LIVE CHAT TONIGHT! – 6:00 PM PST – The Final Obama-Romney Debate

I just returned Stateside and folks in some of the most out of the way places in the Caribbean are doubled over laughing at how could this Election be so close, calling Romney a logga head. (a stupid person).

» Posted By 2belinda On October 22, 2012 @ 5:38 pm

…and I am hoping that 25% will not turn out in large numbers to vote. It’s baffling how some hear Mitt bouncing from idea to idea, position-position and each time they say yeah yeah that’s the ticket.

I love, “reality defying” LOL

The miseducation of America is more than a notion…

» Posted By 2belinda On October 22, 2012 @ 5:08 pm

KT, this is the part that has me flummoxed. Cover-up what?

Some folks watch way too much TV. Do they think murder/overseas political assassinations can be solved in 60 minutes with a few commercial breaks in between, ala CSI or Law and Order. Then there are those who know full well (Issa and gang) that there is no cover-up and are just being disingenuous. Last among the least there are the deliberately obtuse.

» Posted By 2belinda On October 22, 2012 @ 2:59 pm

Saving Privatizing Ryan…As A Last Desperate Resort

KT indeed and thank you.
Ryan 2011-12 election contributions, so far, from the following financial institutions, the same Ryan voted to bail-out: $12,150 from Wells Fargo, $10,000 from Goldman Sachs and $9,700 from Bank of America. (

» Posted By 2belinda On August 12, 2012 @ 10:26 am

The Importance of Being Earnest about Releasing Tax Returns, Especially Romney

Would Romney’s tax returns show which investments he made and the profits? And what if those businesses when moved overseas, were responsible for huge numbers of Americans being laid off. What if Romney was a mean- lean firing machine and a major contributor to high unemployment rates here in the US. Meanwhile taking his profits (and other people’s pensions) to off-shore accounts never paying any tax.

If he lies, he’ll steal and he would cheat. A ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing.

» Posted By 2belinda On August 6, 2012 @ 5:01 pm

President X – Will Americans Really Elect a Man in Hiding?

Thank you, Kilgore
Gadzooks. I just viewed the link you gave me. Isn’t it against the law to molest a young mind? Teaching ignorance, what’s next?

» Posted By 2belinda On August 3, 2012 @ 8:35 pm

thank you. it’s good to be back.

» Posted By 2belinda On August 3, 2012 @ 5:26 pm

Thank you for the warm welcome.

I am not surprised about the plan to keep ’em dumb and on the ranch plan. How else can you hoodwink the little tykes.

You know the saying … you are either on the bus or off. We really need to leave some folks behind, they are just slowing us down.

» Posted By 2belinda On August 3, 2012 @ 4:30 pm

I have been out of the US for nearly a year, and largely out of internet-touch. Returning and playing catch-up in the news, it began to seem that far too many had truly lost the ability to think critically and arrive at a reasonable conclusion. And then saving my favorite for last, I came to POV and behold all the intelligentsia are right here. Whew!

» Posted By 2belinda On August 3, 2012 @ 3:39 pm

Time Out for O/T – Vol. 18

An interesting read (re-read for many) is the book Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. Toffler, “…change overwhelms people. The accelerated rate of technological and social change leaving people disconnected and suffering from “shattering stress and disorientation”

It doesn’t REALLY explain shooting up innocents in theaters and places of worship but it certainly was prophetic.

» Posted By 2belinda On August 7, 2012 @ 6:58 am

On a Cloudy Day

All praises be that you are OK. A frightful situation that brought you safely home.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 9:23 pm

From a union worker family standpoint…

Lady, good to meet you, too.
Protesting in pantyhose. ROTFLMAO

Rhee hated the Teachers Union and made no attempt to hide that fact. She left a pile of ruined careers in her wake. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Sorry she is flying on her broom your way.

I don’t think the wedding is ever going to happen. Sadly, Arne Duncan is one of her main cheerleaders. Former DC Mayor Adrian Fenty lost his job largely because the Unions and the workers wanted to be rid of her.
Good luck, perhaps you can get rid of KJ just like we did with AF.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 9:47 pm

Owee! I cannot remember a more divisive spirit in our midst and that is saying something considering the local politics of Washington DC.

A DC sanitation worker, he is 56 yrs old, told me that in his circle of friends, 12 families were hit by Rhee’s firings. He said it was difficult making it on his salary without his wife’s teaching salary.
He said of those 12 families, 8 of them were either separated or suffering such marital discord because of financial stress, that separation was a real possibility. 4 of them had their homes foreclosed.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 12:59 pm

They better wear some sturdy shoes – I know how to tuck and roll and never muss my outfit. 8)

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 12:49 pm

Thank you. Your post gave me the push to speak up. What’s going on in politics and society these days really pisses me off. Some of the “youngers” have no idea…
I think half of the women in my family were school teachers. It was our pathway to economic success.
I had an Aunt who taught school in the South Bronx. Funny but poignant tales.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 12:47 pm

I did see Schmatta. Made me weep. I started in the Fashion Industry thanks to a 2 year degree from F.I.T. My great-grandmother and grandmother were all garment industry workers. I still cannot believe that such a vibrant industry, a part of what made NY so wonderful, is gone.

A war against teachers is just what it is. How many people when asked what was the major impetus to their success answered “My teacher…”

But you cannot fool an enlightened citizenry so de-education was the first order of the day.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 12:40 pm

The NYC Transit Authority strike started on New Years Day 1966. My father a NYC Transit union-worker, who had moved-up through the ranks of subway maintenance to a desk job via the various educational and housing programs offered to WW2 Veterans. He was able to obtain a college degree from Columbia University, advance to better housing, better neighborhoods and better educational opportunities for his 4 children.

Mike Quill, the Transit Workers Union Leader was a family friend and many of their friends were the tough and VERY proud guys of West Indian, Italian and Irish families. I walked the picket line with my Dad in 1966. It was then I became aware via listening to the workers political discussions how fragile a middle-class existence can be. This strike, settled in 12 days, led to the passage of the Taylor Law, which placed limitations on unions and the rights of public employees to strike in the State of New York.

The weather in NY was in the 40’s when the strike started but dropped into the the teens on Jan 8. On Jan 13 the day the strike was settled the low was 14F and the max was 25F. Weather may have been a contributing factor to ending the strike. The transit strike was followed by teacher strikes in 1967 and 1968 and a 1968 strike by sanitation workers., Mike Quill in bad health, was jailed for calling the strike by in-coming “Reformist Republican” Mayor John Lindsay. Quill went from jail, to the hospital, and was released about 10 days after the strike was over but died 3 days later.

Lindsay was forgiven by the labor unions and they supported his reelection bid in 1969. Or perhaps big business had made a deal with Lindsay. Whichever, Lindsay won as the candidate of the Liberal Party of New York. The Liberal Party of New York founded in 1944 has a very interesting history. Information on the current reincarnation of the party can be found

My husband, justateacher, retired when he could not, after 38 years of teaching in DC, abide by MIchele Rhee’s reforms and obvious disdain for Unions and Teachers. 75 of the teachers fired under Rhee reforms have recently been reinstated, with back pay, following arbitration by the Union. It was determined that those 75 firings were illegal, without due process and did not follow established teacher evaluation procedures.

I ponder everyday, how and when Unions fell out of favor with American workers. I think January 1. 1966, NYC bears review.

Remember The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on March 25, 1911?

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 12:01 pm

(LOL Ferragamo’s – my drug of choice shhh-hhhh) I do own, let’s just say, many pairs, of Merrell’s.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 11:59 am

I stand with BDM except I don’t drive a SUV and I do not own a boat. I do have a summer home, I travel a lot, donate, donate, donate, pay my taxes and give to the homeless every chance I get. This includes heading a community garden that shares excess produce with food banks. I do not own a pair of Birkenstocks, I prefer a designer who I will not name since I am embarrassed by my shoe obsession. My hair is short.
I abhor stereotypes.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 15, 2011 @ 11:47 am

Stupid is as Stupid Polls


» Posted By 2belinda On February 14, 2011 @ 9:15 pm

Your Valentine’s Day open thread

Love and Happiness to all of you here on the Planet. Happy Valentine’s Day!

» Posted By 2belinda On February 14, 2011 @ 7:02 am

The American people have Spoken … Maybe

Indeed. I flew over last week. Everyone here has been so nice it’s a whole new life force.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 13, 2011 @ 7:23 pm

Oh good grief yes! Freedom of speech is a lovely thing.
LOL, the Chappell character, that’s who he reminds me of 😉

» Posted By 2belinda On February 13, 2011 @ 5:51 pm

One that gets me to shaking my head is Allen West, R-Plantation, Florida – what a piece of work…

» Posted By 2belinda On February 13, 2011 @ 5:43 pm

An HP Moderator Replies

I think she was snotty. No apology, no attempt to get a faithful fanned and faved poster back into the fold. Almost a F’ you.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 13, 2011 @ 5:29 pm

Here! Here! And thank you Zoot. I find Stephanie’s response to you terse and less than gracious. I closed my account on Friday at HP so I could avoid the temptation of commenting. I received an email from HP inviting me back. I responded, “Hopefully, not.”

I am so over HP and quite happy here.

» Posted By 2belinda On February 13, 2011 @ 5:07 pm

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