For the Right anything Obama does is grist for the mill and fodder for the fools. They are railing because Obama did not go to Paris, but what if he did....
An ISIS supporting cyber group hacked Centcom's top secret YouTube and Twitter accounts today! The top secret data compromised included angry faced cats and tweets about Kim Kardashian's bicycle seat. Who knows how many undercover, popcorn eating hamsters' lives are in danger now because of this devastating hack?!
It's that time of year when magical wishes are in the air and people believe that fantasies can come, it's not Rand Paul's Presidential campaign launch, it's Christmas!
Cuba and the US have had a long history of adversarial relations. Yet we have diplomatic relations with Vietnam. Cuba didn't kill 50,000 Americans, but we have ostracized Cuba! Why? Why have we not done what President Obama has just done long ago?
In the end, no one can maintain their power because of the inverse property of power, every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. And that is our eternal job as the majority of human beings on this planet, to be that equal and opposite reaction to those who accumulate power and use it to gratify themselves at the expense of the lives and well being of others.
Republicans argued that the information in the Spanish Inquisition Torture Report was faulty, claiming that there was no torture but just "enhanced inquisitional procedures".
What we know confidently now is that torture did take place under the Bush Administration by the CIA, that it didn't work or help keep Americans safe, that it permanently undermined our nation's moral authority in the world and that there is absolutely no regret or apology from those who oversaw and committed it.
Good morning everyone and welcome to the 5th anniversary edition of Morning Blog.
Many veterans are injured either physically or emotionally or by some illness brought on by (in my case) Agent Orange. We all carry memories that we wish we never had to.
ISIS is having its way with Iraq and Syria. When they gain control of those countries, will they turn their attention on Turkey, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia? Why would they stop with Syria and Iraq?


Affirmative Action, D.E.I., Voting Rights, They Want It All – Addendum

These are not people who care about a democratic republic form of governance. For them, giving people rights is non-conducive to what they want to do, dominating and controlling everything they see in their sight line. They believe this will enhance their bottom line and make them even more decadent than they are currently.