Trump's bill redefines "rape, molestation and sexual abuse" as "horseplay" and changes the unwilling restraint of women from "kidnapping" to "playing house". "Pedophilia" will be downgraded to "youthful indiscretion" but only for Republicans running for office.
Can anything be done to stop Kavanaugh if he does get on the SCOTUS? Yes, there are three scenarios that could limit the damage that this radical, dishonest and possible sexual assaulter could do over decades on that court.
The message here to the media is, quit playing dumb. Accept what is obviously true about Trump and stop asking "neutral" or fair" questions about what he says and does in the pursuit of appearing impartial.
Trump stated, "Tomorrow I will sign an Executive Order that will put an end to crimes against women. My Executive Order will officially and legally, re-classify women as recreational equipment."
Republicans have so far ignored what Americans want, time will tell if they've grown so desperate, they may consider representing the wishes of their constituents.
There were so many fantastic signs in The Women's March made but one that seemed most inspirational and reflective of the empowerment that this movement inspires said, "Thanks President Obama, we've got this!"
I spent most of yesterday trying to intellectualise the outcome, but it comes down to three things, racism, sexism and privilege.
The Make America Great or the Nightmare Trump? Who Won?
Now, when Trump has pretty much assured his loss in November, Republicans exhibit their self-flattering dishonesty, beating their chests and fanning their brows, claiming that because Trump is a near-certain offensive things about women, they can't support him.
Hillary's debate skills may not be enough to defeat Trump in the debate, she may need one or more strategies, depending on how Trump conducts himself, to win the debate not only on substance but when it comes to perception.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."