The coming summer will be the second since the most severe, and near-complete breakdown ever, of the weather generating and regulating system; consisting of the polar icecap, the polar air mass, the sea, and the vortex - collectively known as the North Pole. It's going to be hot. Very hot!
When I used to celebrate Christmas, I indeed saw it as a magical time. It seemed that people were friendlier, caring, and joyous like the words in Joy to the World.
As it is, there are three Democrats in Gray’s Ellis' primary, including Gray himself. I also have a primary challenger — one who ran for this seat in 2014 and lost...when it was configured more in a way that favored the Republicans. So now it is on like Donkey Kong!! North Carolina has TWO openly-trans candidates for state Senate.
I dream of a state in which all voices are heard, not just those of the rich, powerful and connected. A government that works for ALL of its citizens, not just the few who can afford to hire lobbyists. I dream of educational excellence and economic opportunity...I dream of a state we can all be proud to say is our home.
When Joe Biden was asked whether he supports marijuana legalization, he weaseled out and said that he didn't know whether or not Herb leads to heroin addiction. He wouldn't answer the question as to how it will ever be possible to answer that question if research is not allowed.
People have asked me why I am running. I am running because every day you endure injustice is the longest day of your life. I am running because I want to be in a position to correct these injustices.
Betsy doesn't really give a damn about our children or their education. The only thing that she cares about is anti-Democratic politics, and dismantling the Constitution. More than any other cause, I truly believe that Betsy Devos is the problem; she and all the others who put politics before everything including children's education.
harsh penalties still exist in the first states to legalize! Washington State and Colorado, and all the 11 "legal" states have a mish-mash of confusing and conflicting laws, federal and state, that cause tremendous suffering.
We will likely not get a ruling on Aimee Stephens’s case until at least March 2020. Meanwhile, we transgender sit and wait. And we wonder. And we worry. Will the highest court in the land of the free...finally rule that we are full humans? Or will they relegate us to permanent second-class status?
What I see is another division being created in our already-marginalized community.