As the wealthy pursue the acquisition of the nation and world, we are busy waiting in line to buy the coolest new versions of phones we already have.
A stirring lineup of speakers and 100,000 Americans are currently at the National Mall celebrating and continuing the March On Washington that took place 50 years ago. Watch the live video feed here.
What we've witnessed since President Obama's election has been an unending parade of thinly veiled and outright racism spewed by mainstream media channels and pundits, Republican politicians and the GOP army trolls at most blog sites. The march of racism hasn't ended so the march against it can't either.
These Three Horsemen of the Water Apocalypse, fracking, privatization of public water and drought may seem incidental to our lives today but it would be wise to look ahead and imagine how decades of them represent a great danger to the American people.
The documentary paints a picture of Tamerlan as being very much like many of those Right Wingers who joined the Tea Party, an angry man who blamed and hated the government and minorities for the difficulties life had brought him.
Thanks to the cooperation of celebrities, politicians and corporations, this more ecological, recycling method of events and journalism has made the news a more economical and sustainable resource. As the media corporations say so often, think green!
Just back from two rallies, One at midday and one in the late afternoon. Very hot, humid, threat of rain. 100's attended both. At the urging of the Rev. Al Sharpton, “Justice For Trayvon Martin” rallies were held in 100 cities across the nation. St. Louis did it's part in gatherings organized by civil rights activists and church leaders.
Whether it's John Roberts justifying his gutting of the Voting Rights Act or the Right Wing zealots spiking the football on Trayvon Martin's grave, the refrain we hear from those who aid and exhibit racism in our nation is, "I don't see any racism."
Our legal system has become so arcane and complex, with well intentioned rules and protocol intended to shepherd a decision towards the truth. However, just like our politics, it has also become just another game to manipulate and win, not a genuine search for truth and an application of justice.
The marriage of the white power structure in the South with greed-obsessed businesspeople has borne such "children". In both cases, there is the mentality of the elitist, those who believe not only that they are superior because they are white and male but that this also entitles them to all that they want for themselves, especially when it comes to money and power.


A Federal Database of Pregnant Women. What Could Go Wrong?

What could possibly go wrong with a government mandate pregnancy registry? Did she consider the cost of implementing this hair-brain idea of hers? I’m sure if pushed on this, the first words out of her mouth will be it’s voluntary. That would be a lie.

Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."