Scientists explain that from now on, whenever Trump experiences such fears as Proof of Russian Collusion, Mueller Knocking on His Door or Seeing a Black Man in Real Life, a personalized algorithm will automatically create and post a defensive or deflecting tweet on his account that responds to that fear.
Sarah Palin Launches Subscription-Based Online Video Channel. With expenses outstripping fundraising the newest venture continues her crusade to live well off of the anger and anxiety of others.
Not only has HP now refused to dance with the one who brought them to the party, they are jumping into Mark Zuckerberg's Ferrari and waving back at their community with a champagne glass in hand as they speed away.
How's this for an oxymoron? Her Serene Highness Queen Ratfucker Omnipotent of Medialand, otherwise known as Arianna Huffington, came to Philadelphia yesterday to address the convention of theNational Association of Black Journalists. Why, I don't know; but there's nothing Arianna ever...
Obama haters of all stripes and alleged political positions are joined in a chorus of furious, self-righteous bleating, like a flock of sheep with gas pains.

Deus Ex Machina

The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. ~B. F. Skinner   The year is 2110. IBM has just completed work on the most advanced A.I.(Artificial Intelligence), in history. At 12:10 P.M. the A.I. is loaded onto servers....
When I was a junior in high school, in the middle of Richard Nixon's first term, I took a course in civics. Back then, this was required of all high school students, usually taken in their junior or senior...
The British have a great phrase for expressing the fact that someone is undergoing a particularly angering derangement syndrome. They simply say that someone "has a cob on." Well, Joan Walsh has had a massive cob on since early...
There is a great deal of consternation regarding the fact that a Senate Committee just passed the ‘Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act’. If signed into law (which is likely), COICA would allow the Department of Justice to file a...
Chickens have come home to roost, or rather buzzards picking over the carcass of the dead. One of the "founders" of Huffington Post has come back to blog. Andrew Breitbart.


I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.

People Are Stupid

“Democratic republics are more likely to perish through misuse of power than through lack of it.” — Tocqueville Democracy in America . It’s as if Tocqueville looked into the future.