The most serious abuses of power that the "Founders and Framers" could imagine were to receive a title (which always had a monetary and political value), or for there to be even a hint that money was exchanged for influence.
It's not even about, "winning," with Trump and his followers now; it's about cheating and getting away with it.
Erdogan has been working for several years, and through several very involved constitutional steps, to develop an, "Executive Presidency." That is exactly what Trump is after.
If the Justice Department and the F.B.I. escape their duty and allow the President to exist completely above the law, and with unlimited power, then they are no longer law enforcers; and since they act directly on the President's authority, they are reduced to a criminal syndicate.
"Okay, I'm the Beast From the Abyss, the man of sin, the son of perdition but I am not a witch and the Democrats' impeachment is a witch hunt," Trump declared as his hair smoldered from Satan's fiery chuckles.
Democrats need to stop running against Trump, and instead run against Trump AND the Republican Party as well as Republican voters. That will sound harsh to most Democrats, but Trump is not the problem, merely a symptom of the problem.
This wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, it was a two ton girder of betrayal and abuse of power that squashed the camel flat. The American people, were so outraged that Trump's continued freedom to destroy our democracy unfettered and the status quo that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tried to sustain to avoid impeachment, were no longer acceptable.
I took formal civics instruction in 7th Grade and as a Junior in High School in preparation for a graduation requirement: the Citizens' Civic...
Corey Lewandowski admitted that he lies to the public. He admitted that he gave one set of answers to the public, and another set to investigators. By lying to the public, Lewandowski is attempting to mislead and delay an investigation of Congress.
Trump wants a war. Before taking the photos and claims we're being fed at face value, we might think about a couple of things, historical and factual, that make this whole incident appear to be very dubious.


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