When asked if it would strange to him, to be on vacation, Satan explained, "I am accustomed to being in horrific surroundings...so I booked a Carnival Cruise."
The real issue here is that when you criticize white people in power for using their power to further oppress black people, you're being racist. After all, aren't you attacking only white people when you do so?
The story of a unique flagpole and what it stands for.
Since it is Republican policy to do nothing for America and since Obama is doing something for America...which contradicts their policy, they are seeking to sue him. I believe the charge is "Driving Policy While Democrat...and Black".
First , let me say I am not a big fan of labels like "conservative" or "liberal". I believe they are misleading at best.
Second, I have some questions and would appreciate some answers.
At a time in our nation's history when our Supreme Court has chosen the wealthy to dominate our politics and the press has mostly abandoned their duty to empower the public with truth, how can the people find their way back to a true and responsive democracy?
Some possible team names that have been floated by Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy for their new racist basketball league include, "The Charleston Chattel", "The Houston Butlers" and "The Tennessee Involuntaries".
Have you ever asked yourself why someone would decide that it was somehow important to conduct comparatives studies on the intellectual outcomes of human...
On a day when some of these same homophobes who are marching in their "No Gays Need Apply" parades will be dressed in brightly colored clothes, descend on bars in droves getting drunk and hanging all over other men then possibly end up on their knees in a toilet stall, they are hardly in a position to judge others on their behavior as being socially undesirable.
From the party that brought you, "Shutdown at the Oh No Corral" comes a new, charm offensive...though they don't understand the phrase too well ("So we need to be offensive in a charming way?")