Over the years, PlanetPOV has grown into a recognized community of smart, witty and conscientious people who openly discuss and debate the heart of any issue while respecting fellow members. And that's quite a feat when it comes to political discourse on the Internet.
We've seen quite a bit of dishonesty, pandering and superficiality in the political world lately so as an antidote to all that, this weekend's music theme is about keeping it real.
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST, hope to see you then! AdLib 7 days ago Watching the miami heat game.... i'll be back if I don't crash! lol Harleigh 7 days ago Okey doke! AdLib 7...
Celebrate a belated Earth Day, share your favorite songs on Earth and maybe give a tree a slap on the back and a, "Thanks for all the oxygen, dude!"
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!! AdLib 7 days ago Hey PPO! AdLib 7 days ago Hey Ad! How gozit? pinkpantheroz 7 days ago All well on this side, how are your...
So this weekend's theme has its time numbered, share your favorite songs that use numbers in their titles, have numbers in the lyrics or may even be about "smoking a number".
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat, begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 7 days ago Our guest host tonight is the always witty and wise, Kesmarn! A great night is in store, don't miss it! AdLib 7...
Our live chat accompanying tonight's Democratic debate begins with the debate at 6pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 5 months ago Hey Ad! Thanks for the heads up on tonight's debate! KillgoreTrout 5 months ago Hey KT! AdLib 5 months ago Absolutely! AdLib 5 months...
The race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders has become quite combative, making tonight's debate between them quite timely. As usual, PlanetPOV will be hosting a simultaneous live chat open to all members...the best way on The Planet to watch a debate!
This weekend's theme is rain, wind, storms and all kinds of weather portrayed in music or just your favorite rainy day music.