Our 500th Post!

We are thrilled to announce that The Planet has published its 500th post! And who has the honor of authoring the 500th member-published article on PlanetPOV? Why, none other than... ...Scheherazade! With her article: Judge Rejects “Necessity Defense” a Second Time, but...
nellie : Thank you, everyone! bitohistory : Hiip-Hipp Horay for nellie, and all PatsyT : thank you nellie nellie : THAT’S ALL FOR VOX POPULI BUT WE”RE MOVING OVER TO THE POST, PLEASE JOIN US THERE! HERE’S THE...
The Chat Continues here....
Good morning everyone. We hope that this will be the place you come to when you wake up early before you leave for work. The place you visit when you wake up late or just a place to meet...
Welcome to PlanetPOV's 1st Annual Top Posts of the Year! All members and readers are invited to vote below for their favorite posts. We begin by awarding our 2009 PlanetPOV Founder's Award to...our loyal and talented members who joined The...
An eclectic view and collections of the members of planetpov.com. A place to share your the interesting bit and bobs of the world. Including politics to cooking. A place to share.Join Now!
We are pleased to announce that we have just created a Member Directory to compliment our Author's List/Directory and our PlanetPOV Stats pages (which links to all posts and comments for each member).  Thanks to one of our newest...
One of the most common, if not the most common, arguments used against those who want to ban guns for the purpose of saving  human lives, is that it isn't just guns that can be used to maim or...
What cheek.   A newbie,  in this case someone who's been here less than a fortnight, publishing an article related to PlanetPOV's standing and progress, as a new site.  It is a post from the heart, some observations of mine about this extraordinary...
Happy New Year to the wonderful members and readers that have made 2009 an incredible year for PlanetPOV! The Planet officially opened in August 2009 with the 4 founding members, myself, KQuark, Kalima and KevenSeven. As of today, we have 199...


Trump VP Hopefuls Byron and Scott – Pigs Will Fly First

It won’t happen for either of them. The first is they are of the wrong hue. Trump would love to have a large segment of the Black vote as a bragging right, but he will settle for whatever or whoever shows up to cast a vote for him. He will then lie about how thousands upon thousands of Black voters left Biden to vote for him.

Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.