Music can take you away from your troubles and worries but sometimes it can take you away to an actual place. Today's theme is...
With all the hate on display from the other side this week I thought I should make this week's music thread about love which...
When AdLib said he was going out of town I said I would cover the music night thread again since taking a break. ...
The 82nd Academy Awards will be presented this Sunday so in tribute, the theme of today's music thread is music from movies. That can...
This year the Olympics are going Youtube !
What music goes thru your head when you are speeding down the Super G?
or ripping it up...
The theme tonight is, like, totally cool...uh...what was I saying...oh yeah! It's like totally Psychedelic, Man!
So share the trippy music (it doesn't have to...
Welcome to our Friday Night Music Thread here at The Planet! Tonight is all about discovery. Songs that you love that a lot of...
OK I get the feeling some of you did not do your home work so here is a pop quiz.
Who is Ruckusium and what...
Music not only soothes the savage beasts, it can send a message to the savage beasts that "we won't be fooled again" and "you're...
So many classic Christmas songs to list in this thread though add to those the songs that speak of happiness, family and celebration to...