Chernynkaya : Night, Sally!
SallyT : I'll be around. Got no where to go. Well, except the bathroom. Have a good night.
Chernynkaya : I do know that. I couldn't like anyone who didn't! Well, I guess that's all I got...
PatsyT : Nighty Night Chris Say goodnight to Ohio for me
KQµårk 死神 : Patsy with $100 bills spread across the bed I bet.
SallyT : Good night Chris. Swim fast and safe! See you later on here.
KQµårk 死神 :...
AdLib : If only I had your legs!
KQuark : Ah AdLib if I only had your eternal optimism mon ami.
AdLib : 2013 is when the ACA really kicks in with state exchanges. Then, Obama will look like FDR.
KQuark :...
1 guest is online.
KQuark : I thought I heard a bloop from VP.
AdLib : That wraps up this powerful edition of Vox Populi. Thanks to all for the great conversation earlier and helping to get the news out about...
AdLib : Well, looks like it's time to wrap this edition of Vox Populi. Since we started early, I think this may have set the record for our longest edition! Thanks to all for a great evening, have a...
AdLib : Righty-O! You take care of yourself!
choicelady : AdLib - I totally agree. I know the Oxy takes the "burn" away and that's a lot of help. In these circumstances, "Just say Yes!" G'night dear friend. Talk with...
SallyT : Night Patsy.
AdLib : Sounds good, sleep well Sally!
AdLib : Night Patsy!
SallyT : Good night AdLib. Catch you on the turn around.
PatsyT : Thanks and nighty night...
AdLib : Hmm...we must've run out of beer early tonight! Well, it...
AdLib : Sounds great! See you then and inbetween! Get some rest and feel well!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, thanks for everything you do also. This place is a treasure! I can't thank you enough! We'll do this again next week!...
AdLib : Night all, thanks so much for a great edition of Vox Populi! See you next week!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ta Ta All.
choicelady : And with that pompous note I too am off to bed. G'night all! AdLib - if...
AdLib : Consider writing an article as an on-ramp for the uninitiated and as I mentioned, it could be a valuable and ongoing recruiting tool which you can update as you wish.
PatsyT : Ok I have an idea and...