AdLib : Looks like folks are out partying tonight like it's the end of the world or something so we'll call it a night for Vox Populi tonight. Thanks all! AdLib : Yep, crazy is...
AdLib : Night John Bito! bito : Good night, JonBoy. PatsyT : Nighty night All .... AdLib : Well, looks like a good time to wrap tonight's edition of Vox Populi. Thanks Patsy, Bito, Cher and...
AdLib : Night Chris. Seems like time to bring this edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thanks all for a rousing evening! Have a great weekend! ChrisR266 : I'm out too, friends. Been a stimulus to the mind and...
AdLib : Night Cher! Night Bito! And John Boy, turn down the tv! bito : Good night all. Chernynkaya : You to, AdLib--thanks! AdLib : Well, looks like a good time to bring tonight's edition of Vox...
bito : «link» AdLib : Hey Bito, the link is broken, what's there? bito : One more OT, anyone on AOL? Read this.«link» 8487 I wonder if PPOV is on that list? AdLib : Looks like we've come to the end...
AdLib : Indeed, that feeling of guilt, of consigning a loved one to a facility instead of taking care of them does seem to lead to that mistake. People damage their own lives sometimes to...
bito : I could say yes no it was a tweet. Pretty clever for 140 characters! AdLib : Very nice! Yours? bito : There once was a party called tea, who preached an oligarchy.They ...
PatsyT : You got that right! bito : Oh, Patsy! I can't even imagine, you deserve combat pay. Just remember it will be a fond memory 15 years from now. PatsyT : They are still here... help...
AdLib : Bito - Sweet!!! bito : "They just announced on Madison's Radio Station WTDY that they officially have enough signatures to Recall Hopper! #wiunion" AdLib : Night CL! choicelady : G'night everybody! Have a good week...
AdLib : Night! 2ndClassCitizenPun : Night all. AdLib : Then that's a wrap for tonight's edition of Vox Populi. Thanks so much everyone for another fantastic edition! Sleep well and have a wonderful weekend! PatsyT :...


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?