Greed seems to rule when it comes to coal, oil, fracking, and the nuclear industries. Renewable energy sources are available and if the big corporations would put some of their obscene profits into solar, electric cars, wind, and geothermal energy we could start to reverse some of the harm done. I know all there are scores of too-cool-for-school kids who hang out on Bill Maher's Facebook page and stoke this little man's enormously fragile ego. Bill's always been a big fan of Ron Paul's, although he's not too keen on...
Self-proclaimed critics attempted to tie Michael Brown to the Gangsta Life of the rap songs and violence, concluding that a kid with no criminal record was no better than a thug. Perhaps these critics have forgotten about the past, when young children idolized the pirates of the 1700s, the cowboys of the 1800s Old West, and the gangsters, bank robbers and killers of the early 1900s for their criminal exploits.
I always hated math in high school, mostly because I disliked the teacher; but I need to qualify that and say it was actually "higher maths" I hated - the second year of algebra and trigonometry. Prior to that,...
Here's to YOU, Mr. Robertson, Jesus turns his righteous back on you, Whoo, whoo, whoo. God hates you TOO, Mr. Robertson Heaven holds NO place for you this day (Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey) We'd like to know a little bit about you for our...

A New Year

Well, it’s that time of year when most of us reflect on the past twelve months, and make resolutions for the next year. If you’re typical, most of the resolutions made will be broken in the first week of the...
We have to be the first to take personal responsibility for our own carbon footprint. And it's probably not going to be a walk in the park--most other industrialized nations keep energy prices high for a variety of different reasons.
If you know that my parents were teachers and think I had them help me? They would have, if I asked. I knew the system was fucked early on for someone with ADD. Even my parents didn't know, because I got by, being smart and knowing stuff.
My presence is a present; kiss my ass! - Kanye West, "Monster" Kanye West has released the designed-to-be-controversial video for his single, "Monster", and it puts Lady Gaga, Rihanna, etc. - heck, it even puts Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie -...
The British have a great phrase for expressing the fact that someone is undergoing a particularly angering derangement syndrome. They simply say that someone "has a cob on." Well, Joan Walsh has had a massive cob on since early...


The Game The Right Is Playing With Religion

The founders knew and understood the true implication and impact of the separation of Church and State for the country compared to the religious tyranny that enveloped Europe at the time and before this country started developing into a nation essentially free of mandated spiritual influence, which some call Christianity.

David Ignatius, What the Hell Is Wrong with You?

I do not believe President Biden should step aside. I think the Washington Post should stop placating Trump and his base and call Trump out as the fabulist for what he has done and what he will do to this country if he wins the Presidency.