Just in time for the 2012 election PlanetPOV presents the new Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements. There are plenty of new infamous characters added...
AdLib should remember this background graphic.
How's this for an oxymoron?
Her Serene Highness Queen Ratfucker Omnipotent of Medialand, otherwise known as Arianna Huffington, came to Philadelphia yesterday to address the...
Obama haters of all stripes and alleged political positions are joined in a chorus of furious, self-righteous bleating, like a flock of sheep with gas pains.
-Text: Truth; Illustration: B. McCue -
Last week we had an extensive look at Huffington Posts’ headlines concerning President Obama and the Democrats and...
One tactic the Huffington Post has mastered is generating outrage. The more outrage they can incite, the more clicks they get. They have become so adept at this, they can even generate outrage using a non-story.
Manipulation of headlines in general and observations at the Huffington Post
- Text: Truth; Illustration: B. McCue -
{Author’s note: some of the techniques I’m...
- Text: foxisms; Illustration: B. McCue -
“Question 67 and 68”...and 69...and...
The questions that need to be asked (and plenty of people are asking them)...
A quick look at the 'terms of service” for commenting on Huffington could give anyone the impression that they have landed in Wonderland as opposed to Dorothy's Oz.
Secrets From Beyond The Emerald Curtain”
- An investigation into the Huffington Post and its founder -