In his slippery slope argument against the ACA, Justice Alito simply asks us to consider all the people who've been bankrupted and have lost their homes having to pay for their own sudden burial and the ongoing costs of remaining dead.
If the Court finds the mandate unconstitutional, will they find it severable from the rest of the law? If not, that would strike the whole ACA down. If so, can the ACA survive?
Just in time for the 2012 election PlanetPOV presents the new Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements. There are plenty of new infamous characters added...
If you don't want to hear it- shut them down, keep them out.
If corporations are people and corporations destroy other corporations, aren't they guilty of murder?
Then they start bitching about what he didn't say and should have said, and how he should have said what he did say differently. They twist and turn and bend and break down and analyse and parse his every word.....
Why is politics so mind bogglingly complicated?
You often hear conversation about the host of complex problems we face today and that these issues cannot...
The Koch cabal is meeting this weekend in Palm Springs to plot their next steps to buy and control our democracy. Join an alliance of Progressives and moderates in exposing and protesting their destructive agenda.
Kesmarn's brilliant article, Please, tear that price tag off!, impresses the powerful image of our democracy and citizenry as a 500 pound patient, too...
Here we go again with the hyperbole from both sides. A left wing ideologue that is gonna kill babies and take away our guns...