The 2020 election is an existential moment for the United States. Next November will decide whether this country recovers its sovereignty or is dragged deeper under Russian influence. 2020 will determine whether the Russian/Republican vision of remaking U.S. democracy into a dictatorship will be fulfilled or buried.
If Trump's Base was to unite with us to throw this idiot tyrant out of our lives, then we would owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude. We need them.
It could be a natural thing, like the body's healing processes. Think of the sense of shared beginning. The peace.
Like marshmallows floating above a mess of yams in a casserole dish, there are many sweet things that have risen to the top this...
Why exactly is it obvious that their focus is on Ukraine? This is a general impeachment, Trump has committed hundreds of crimes. And, "our committee's" job is to recommend charges to be included in the Articles of Impeachment.
As Republicans have deployed their morally bankrupt, party-and-power-before-country ploys, they have intentionally obscured or just flat out lied about truths that they don't want Americans to think about because they prove Trump is a criminal and that they are indeed criminal conspirators.
The 5th Democratic Debate begins tonight at 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST and PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat during the debate. Hope to see you here!
The problem isn't just that Trump is committing crimes in public. it's that he is being allowed to manipulate the workings of the United States Senate in plain sight. Worse yet and a crime, he is interfering in a Constitutional proceeding, impeachment.
When things started to fall apart for McConnell, it didn’t take long for him to have his version of Hrothgar’s “dreadful demon that ruled unrighteous and raged against all.” For Hrothgar, his dreadful was Grendel. For Mitch, his dreadful demon is named Donald J. Trump.
If Rudy Giuliani's criminal associates, and troops enlisted from the ranks of Russian and Ukrainian cyber-terrorists, were conspiring to fix the U.S. Presidential Election long before the 2016 election itself, then Giuliani has known all this time.
Despite All His Troubles Trump is Still Likely to Win Reelection….here’s an example of a case that is being made…….
Whats at the Heart of...