Since it is Republican policy to do nothing for America and since Obama is doing something for America...which contradicts their policy, they are seeking to sue him. I believe the charge is "Driving Policy While Democrat...and Black".
The House can vote the articles. The Senate can hold a trial. No conviction but does that matter?
Why isn't the Media all over the the New York Magazine Story of Lindsey Graham PLANTING the game changing 60 Minutes Story? If they don't, then we must.
Just last November, pundits were saying that Obamacare's troubled rollout doomed it to failure and Chris Christie was so nationally popular, he was the odds on favorite to win the GOP Presidential primary and perhaps the White House.
When I walked into the examination room Fox News was waiting in, it was facing the smallest corner of the room with a distant, angry look in its eyes while chanting "Benghazi!".
It is likely that Pres. Obama may make raising the minimum wage a top priority since it would have a direct impact on aiding those with the lowest incomes (and reducing the cost to the government and taxpayers for subsidizing those low wages of greedy corporations) and make for a better economy.
If you could offer one resolution to President Obama that he could commit to in the upcoming year, what would it be? And just for fun, what predictions would you make for 2014?
Instead of doing a roundup of the top stories of 2013 which you can get on any site, we offer a round up of satirical graphics from posts made here throughout the year.
Now that the main problems with the Obamacare website have been mitigated, the Republicans find themselves as mourners at a funeral where there is no body to bury.
Nearly all Republicans in Congress have signed onto an agreement to gridlock the passage of Time in order to keep the public focused on the one negative issue they're clutching onto more desperately than any Bible or gun.