Satire explained, "The final straw for us was really Sarah Palin endorsing Trump. We leveraged ourselves big time into a Trump/Palin product line and lost everything when Reality came out with the identical product. We just can't compete any longer with Reality so we have to close our doors."
The last Democratic debate before the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire primary takes place tonight, Sunday, Martin Luther King holiday weekend at 6:00pm PST...or as Hillary Clinton would call it, "prime time".
Tonight's Republican debate begins at 6:00pm PST. As usual, we're hosting a live chat to accompany the debate (the best prescription for not punching your tv) and you're invited to join us then!
There is one very important number that makes it impossible for Donald Trump to win the Presidency. And ironically, it is 47%. No, it's not Mitt Romney's 47% but it's just as destructive to Trump's hopes.
How is it that gerrymandering is legal? It is in essence, the power to corrupt democracy. I certainly understand why many politicians would want gerrymandering to continue to be legal but neither they nor anyone else can argue why it is not anti-democratic.
So, here we are coming to the end of a pretty unbelievable year. A reality show host is on the verge of becoming a...
From Hillary Clinton's version of The Christmas Song: "Trump's nuts roasting on an open fire. Bernie's nipping at your heels. Wall Street's bankrolls being snagged by your PAC, And you dressed up like Lib-er-als."
Satan explained, "Trump has the fearless demagoguery of a KKK Grand Dragon, the comic stylings of an Andrew Dice Clay and the dictatorially pursed-lips of a Benito Mussolini, I'm really impressed! For me, he's like an all-you-can-eat Homestyle Buffet of Evil...or is that an oxymoron?"
I started this as an exercise on my own to determine exactly what values and beliefs the right have adopted over the past few years that would actually threaten the existence of the true conservative Republican party and perhaps this nation.
Join us tonight for a live chat during the debate, the only enjoyable way to watch Republicans!