When Donald Trump took the escalator down to announce his candidacy for the Republican Presidential Primaries earlier this week, the GOP took the escalator down from being a serious political party.
If 6 million Americans are thrown off of health insurance and the ACA is crippled, the ripple effect will come crashing down on everyone who has health insurance. And the hand that will be holding the lit match while our health insurance system goes up in flames...will be the Republican Party.
"The first thing we need to do is change the public's perception of this and take away the unfair stigma," GOP adviser Frank Luntz explained. "We want to come up with a more positive term for 'molestation', that word just exudes negativity. We're spitballing a few ideas now as replacements. There's 'Mistaken Feelings', 'Confused Hands' and 'Oops Baby Baby'."
It used to be that we could trust the news reporter to do the right thing. Not so today. They toe the corporate line. Twist the news stories to fit their agenda. They have all the republican candidates on and ask them soft questions and allow them to say whatever they want.
Hillary Clinton explained her position against taking positions as a reflection of her strength as a candidate, "Someone has to have the courage to take a stand not to take a stand!"
Bernie has always said he is a "socialist" with a small "s", which means he cares about all Americans. He wants everyone to have equal rights, equal chance to succeed, and equal pay for equal work. So many times I see where he is called a "communist" but he believes in democracy with a twist of socialism.
Democrats should not fear democracy as a threat, firstly because just the opposite is true and secondly because Republicans will sue them for theft of intellectual property (it's the only use of the word "intellectual" Republicans are permitted to make).
There were minor injuries reported to some of the candidates. Chris Christie reportedly bruised his meatball sub, Scott Walker received minor scratches on both of his faces and Marco Rubio was uncovered at the bottom of the heap hoarsely pleading for a bottle of water.
All tv shows, movies, plays and books rely on one simple concept to be able to entertain. Their audience must willingly suspend their disbelief. We sit down in a movie theater knowing that there's no way a human being...
Instead of letting the GOP get away with trying to create an anti-identity based solely on what they oppose and want to repeal, it's a good time to recognize who they really are as a party and what they truly stand for.